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Diferentele Dintre Dual Core Si Core 2 Duo

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Pai Dual Core e termenul general pentru procesoarele cu 2 nuclee, folosit atat de Intel cat si AMD.

Core 2 Duo(sau Conroe) este denumirea data de Intel, din cate am inteles eu, si reprezinta a doua generatie Core Duo.

Am gasit o comparatie, poate te lamureste:



The Pentium D is simply two Pentium 4 Prescott cpus inefficiently paired together and ran as dual core.

The Core Duo is Intel's first generation dual core processor based upon the Pentium M (a Pentium III-4 hybrid) made mostly for laptops (though a few motherboard manufacturers have released desktop boards supporting the Core Duo CPU), and is much more efficiently than Pentium D.

The Core 2 Duo is Intel's second generation (hence, Core 2) processor made for desktops and laptops designed from the ground up to be fast while not consuming nearly as much power as previous CPUs.

Note - Intel has dropped the Pentium name in favor of the Core architecture as Intel is restructuring and refocusing it's efforts to become number one again (and are doing a fine job, might I add).

The AMD Athlon X2 CPUs have two revisions, the first one is essentially very similiar to the Pentium Ds in that they are simply two Athlon 64 chips fused together, making power requirements quite steep (around 89 watts). The second revision is made more efficiently, like the Core Duos, with much less power consumption (around 65 watts).

According to user reports, a Core 2 Duo is much faster than a Pentium D running at about 3.4GHz due to it's ability to process more Instructions Per Second (IPC) and it's shorter pipeline (doesn't take as many stages to decode the same instruction) and it's more efficient L2 cache. Not to mention it consumes LOTS less power than a Pentium D at a higher clock speed.
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Raspuns :

Dual Core= procesoare cu 2 nuclee; este si numele procesoarelor Intel Pentium cu 2 nuclee (ex: Intel Pentium Dual Core E2140);

Core Duo= core 2 duo mai vechi

Core 2 Duo= serie noua de procesoare Intel, care nu mai sunt nici Pentium-uri, nici Celeron-uri, au numele lor propriu;

Core 2 Quad= evident , patru nuclee.

la Tehnologia Core ( nucleu ) sunt inglobate mai multe nuclee pe un singur procesor real CPU si exista doar o singura magistrala de transmisie ca si la single core doar ca procesarea informatiilor si instructiunilor este mai rapida in interiorul procesorului.

In schimb dual procesor ( 2 magistrale separate in transmitearea datelor ) rezulta intradevar intr-o viteza considerabil mai mare datorita lucrului simultan

Succes !

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