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Salut!vreau sa-mi cumpar o placa video mai buna de cat cea care o am(forsa nvidia 8500gt 1gb ddr2 128bit )si am gasit la mana a doua acest sapphire hd 4670 (http://www.pcgarage.ro/placi-video/sapphire/radeon-hd4670-1gb-ddr3-128-bit-hdmi/ ,alt model dar cu aceleasi caracteristici ) la pretul de 150lei.Placa are un an de cand e cumparata dar fiindca eu sunt un fan Nvidia si (mai putin Ati) am unele nedumeriri cu privire la cum se comporta aceasta placa.

Astept sfaturile voastre pro si contra!

Multumesc anticipat :)


Am un ATI 3870 (trebuie schimbata, stiu ca s-a invechit), si, sunt foarte multumit de ea, chiar si acum. Ruleaza aproximativ toate jocurile recente. Asadar, poti merge linistit si pe ATI.

Vrei neaparat acea placa video ? Cresterile de performanta nu vor fi foarte mari, insa, la pretul acela este destul de ok. O placa video cu 256 biti si 512 MB e mai performanta decat una cu 1 GB si 128 biti; vezi:

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It would help if you knew what was in the core. Let me try to give a basic overview. There are three "clocks" on an Nvidia card. The first isn't a part of your question, but it is a clock. Its the memory clock, and its how fast the memory on the card runs. Just like with a CPU, the "CPU" (actually called a GPU) and the memory clocks are different. Also just like a CPU, there are different things inside the GPU/Core. There are the shaders which do all the work, and everything else. There are two frequencies, the Core frequency and the shader frequency. Nvidia has them unlinked, while AMD has them linked. (meaning AMD cards use the same frequency for the core and the shaders.) There aren't two cards in it, just something run at different speeds.

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