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Salut , pana azi jucam GTA San Andreas , dar brusc azi am ieshit afara si cand am venit am dat sa ma joc se incarca misiune dai New Game , Load Game SI MISIUNEA SALVATA apoi : fmmdeeroare.bmp

I have been on this forum since 2007

Driving jill61-603505-albums-emoticons-pic45408-driving-smiley.gifBMW 318i and Dacia 1310 Sport



Fa poza .jpg (nu bmp) si pune-o pe imageshack... ca nu merge downloadata deloc

As your ship is going down

Ill stand by and wach you drown

Remember kids...the more you post the geeker you get.


Asta :((erroaregtrann3.jpg

Shot at 2007-07-27


P.S Acum vad ca merge :)):))

I have been on this forum since 2007

Driving jill61-603505-albums-emoticons-pic45408-driving-smiley.gifBMW 318i and Dacia 1310 Sport



pai dai My Computer - Properties - Advanced - Error Raporting - dai "Disable error reporting" si depifeaza : "But notify me when ..."

nu va mai grabiti sa postati errori cautati-le pe forum si poate veti gasi cum sa le rezolvati :|


o noua prolema :O:O nu mai intra in gta dau dublu click si tot aia :(( nu intra va roog ajutor

I have been on this forum since 2007

Driving jill61-603505-albums-emoticons-pic45408-driving-smiley.gifBMW 318i and Dacia 1310 Sport


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