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Cei de la Bethesda au anuntat ca vor publica in 2012, Doom 3 BFG Edition pe PC, PlayStation 3 si Xbox 360. Noua versiune va include urmatoarele:

  • Suportul pentru 3D (relief).
  • Doom 1, 2, 3 si add-on-ul Resurrection of Evil.
  • Grafica actualizata pentru versiunea de console.
  • Un sistem de checkpoints.
  • Lanterna va fi montata pe arma.
  • O mini-campanie ce se numeste Lost Mission si va contine 7 harti jucabile in 2-3 ore de joc + un nou boss de nivel: "The new Doom 3 "Lost Mission" will put players in the boots of "Bravo Team," the company of space marines players were originally sent to save in Doom 3. The Lost Mission begins with one of the Bravo Team members waking up in a Wraith kill room, and having to help a group of scientists shut down a teleporter to Earth, before the demons invade and ruin everything."

In continuare, va voi lasa in compania trailerului de debut:

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