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Avand in vedere ca nu au aprut deocamdata coduri tastabile sau trainere pentru Diablo III, va pun la dispozitie mai jos, un map hack, pe care nu l-am testat si nu stiu sa va spun daca merge. Cu toate acestea, eu v-as recomanda sa incercati sa le folositi in caz de nevoie doar in singe player.


Download Diablo III Map Hack: :link:

* Detalii si instructiuni de utilizare, aici: http://diablo3maphack.net/

To outline a few features of the Diablo 3 Maphack:

1. Draws lines on the Diablo 3 Window which guide you through the map

2. In-Game logging of messages, plays sound if receive a message while window is inactive.

3. Waypoints and doors and stairs all color coated

4. Super and elite monsters all coded with different colors

5. Non-injection based map drawing.


P.S: Folosirea unui astfel de cod poate fi riscanta, avand ca rezultat banarea contului.

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