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Gotham City Impostors... un alt fel de Teamfortress 2. E ok jocul, gameplay simplu, grafica ok, si mai e si amuzant. Imi merge cam prostut, mai ales cand intalnesc inamici :<.

Nu stiu de ce, nu reusesc sa gasesc un raspuns, dar continui sa primesc, de fiecare data cand incerc sa intru la un meci, eroare asta: Disconnected From Server


Any clue?




I was experiencing the same issues. However the only thing I can suggest is this. I found that if you are redownloading to another console, the license won't be with it. I tried it again with the console I originally downloaded it on and my game works fine.

ring a bell? :-?? just saying


click properties on the game and select verify game content


Re-download the new DLC update with the katana and costumes. It's because of the costumes. After getting the invalid game asset, check your secret identity bat costumes. I bet some of the costumes are missing/invisible. Mine were, and I re-downloaded the DLC and i'm finally able to play.

love is a verb
Love is a doing word


fa un backup cu toate fisierele. totusi, cred ca se salveaza la ei levelu and shit. nu de alta, dar daca ar fi salvat local, ai putea modifica un fisier, si ai avea level 123415345352

love is a verb
Love is a doing word


Am dat delete deja, downloadez acum, sper sa mearga.

Edit: ok, merge. Am reusit si sa scap de lag/fps prost, foarte simplu.

Navigam pana la Steam\steamapps\common\Gotham City Impostors F2P. Cautam si deschidem fisierul autoexec, si modificam DisableMaterialsFromFile, si anume 0 in loc de 1.

Eventual, dupa ce deschidem jocul, setam prioritatea pe High. (Task Manager-> Processes-> cautam Engine-> Click dreapta-> Set Priority-> High)

Lol scor, 41-3. Deja sunt zeu.

LE: Rahat, iar face asa. Aparent, trebuie sa-i dau sa verifice continutul la fiecare restart... eh.



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