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In Curand Utilizatorii Linux Vor Putea Instala Platforma Steam

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Recent, Valve a anuntat ca utilizatorii sistemului de operare Linux (incepand cu Ubuntu 12.04) vor beneficia de platforma de jocuri STEAM, ce va fi testata pentru inceput in cadrul companiei urmand apoi a fi lansata spre sfarsitul lunii octombrie o versiune beta privata pentru 1000 de utilizatori.

"Things have been going well. We will be having an internal beta starting next week, and a private external beta for 1,000 users sometime in October.

The private external beta will include: Steam, One Valve game, Support for Ubuntu 12.04 and above."

Totodata, Valve le recomanda utilizatorilor nefamiliarizati cu sistemul de operare Linux sa nu se inscrie deocamdata pentru testarea beta (pana cand aceasta va deveni stabilia si majoritatea bug-urilor majore vor fi rezolvate:

"For those new to Linux, we recommend waiting for a subsequent release where more features are implemented along with improvements to the user install experience."


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