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Coduri Torchlight 2 - Trainer / Cheat Codes

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Torchlight 2 a fost lansat pe data de 20 septembrie 2012 si este unul dintre putinele jocuri din prezent ce beneficiaza de coduri tastabile. Daca il jucati si nu puteti trece peste un nivel sau aveti diferite motive pentru care ati dori sa apelati la mici trisoreli, va pun la dispozitie mai jos codurile tastabile dezvaluite pana in momentul de fata precum si doua trainere ce pot fi folosite cu succes in joc.


Pentru a activa consola, va trebui sa mergeti in: "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\my games\Runic Games\Torchlight 2\save\(number)". Numarul va fi diferit de la persoana la persoana, cert este ca sunt un sir de numere. Deschideti acel folder, dupa care deschideti cu un editor text (Notepad, WordPad) fisierul settings.txt (este recomandat sa-i faceti un back-up/copie de siguranta inainte), si schimbati 'Console:0' in 'Console:1'.

Intrati in joc, si apasati tasta Insert pentru a deschide consola, dupa care introduceti codul/codurile in functie de efectul/efectele dorit(e).

Cheat Codes:

  • ADDFRIENDBYUSER - Add a friend by username or email.
  • AIFREEZE - Toggles monster AI on and off.
  • ALLITEMS - Spawns all items.
  • ALLSTATS <#> - Gives you all stats.
  • ALWAYSCRIT - Player will always score critical hits.
  • ASCEND - Goes down a floor.
  • Clear Console History - CLS.
  • DEFENSE <#> - Gives you defense points.
  • DESCEND - Goes up a floor.
  • DEXTERITY <#> - Gives you ranged points.
  • DIFFICULTY - Displays the current game difficulty.
  • DISABLEPET - Disables the Player's pet.
  • FAME <#> - Gives you fame points.
  • FPS - Shows the frame rate and other information.
  • GOD - Toggles Godmode.
  • GODSPEED - Toggles both Godmode and Speed mode.
  • HURTME <#> - Reduces the player's and the player's pet HP by the given percent.
  • IDENTIFYALL - Identifies all items in the player's inventory.
  • ITEM <itemname>,<#> - Creates an a an item the given number of times.
  • KILLALL - Kills all monsters.
  • LEVELUP - Increase XP to the next level.
  • MAGIC <#> - Gives you magic points.
  • MONEY <#> - Gives you gold.
  • NOXP - The player will not gain XP.
  • PLAYERNOTARGET - Makes monsters not target the player.
  • QUESTCOMPLETE <questname> - Sets a quest to complete.
  • RESETPETLEVEL - Resets the player's pet level to 1.
  • RESETPLAYER - Resets the player's stats, skills, and level.
  • RESETPLAYERLEVEL - Resets the player's level to 1.
  • RESETSKILL - Resets the player's skills.
  • RESETSTATS - Resets the player's stat points.
  • SETDIFFICULTY <#> - Sets the current difficulty.
  • SETPETLEVEL <level> - Sets the pet's level.
  • SETTIME <time> - Sets the time of day.
  • SETTIMESCALE <#> - Sets the timescale for time of day.
  • Show list of commands - HELP.
  • SKILLPOINTS <#> - Gives you skill points.
  • SPEED - Toggles additional speed for the character.
  • STATPOINTS <#> - Gives you stat points.
  • STRENGTH <#> - Gives you melee points.

Summon Items

Open the console and type "item ####" where #### is one of the following numbers:

  • 1766 - Elitch's Eye (15 mana stolen per hit / +12 magic)
  • 2597 - The Earthstar Cold Ember Shard (+33 ice damage / +28 ice resistance)
  • 2599 - The Eternal Flow Ember Shard (+33 electric damage / +28 electric resistance)
  • 2600 - The Fire Queen Ember Shard (+33 fire damage / +28 fire resistance)
  • 2603 - The Grand Depths Ember Shard (-48 armor per hit / +12 dexterity)
  • 2607 - The Infinite Pure Ember Shard (+49 damage / +34 armor)
  • 2629 - The Sea King's Core Ember Shard (+19 health per second / +12 strength)
  • 2631 - The Spire City Life Ember Shard (+33 poison damage / +28 poison resistance)
  • 2627 - The Pirate Skull (48 health stolen per hit / +12 defense)

Asa cum am promis la inceputul topicului, voi pune pentru doritori si doua trainere:

Download Torchlight II +4 Trainer: :link:

Download Torchlight II +19 Trainer: :link:

Numai bine :pct2: !

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