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Compania Apple A Patentat Dreptunghiul Cu Colturile Rotunjite!

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Da, ati citit bine, Apple a patentat colturile rotunjite! Oare ce minte a avut, sau cat de corupt a fost judecatorul care a aprobat un dreptunghi cu colturi rotunjite:

On Tuesday, after review by a patent examiner, the United States Patent and Trademark Office awarded Apple an additional design patent relating to the iPad's "ornamental" design. The ornamental design feature encapsulated in US Patent D670,286 for a "Portable display device" appears to be a literal rounded rectangle. But whether or not this patent would be useful against Apple's rival and alleged "copy cat" Samsung in court is unclear.


Sa intelegem ca de acum inainte producatorii vor putea realiza doar terminale cu toate laturile rotunde sau doar cu colturi drepte? Cum suna asta?

Sursa: http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/11/apple-awarded-design-patent-for-actual-rounded-rectangle/

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