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Linux Nadia, Cea Mai Noua Versiune De Mint A Fost Lansata!

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Linux Nadia, denumit si Linux Mint 14, a fost lansat in aceasta saptamana, venind cu noi schimbari printre care: Mate 1.4, Cinnamon 1.6, MDM, OSD pentru worklist, ferestre cu quick-lists, configurari pentru task switching, etc. Lista completa poate fi gasita la adresa: http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_whatsnew.php.

Foarte interesant de precizat este si faptul ca Linux Mint 14 poate fi descarcat de mai jos cu Mate x86 si x64:

  • Linux Mint Mate x86: :link:
  • Linux Mint Mate x64: :link:

si de mai jos cu Cinnamon x86 si x64:

  • Linux Mint Cinnamon x86: :link:
  • Linux Mint Mate cinnamonx64: :link:

MATE 1.4: MATE is working hard at providing a rock-solid environment in the continuation of GNOME 2. In 2011, GNOME 2 was renamed "MATE" and MATE 1.x made it possible for GNOME users to continue to use their favorite desktop. There were a few hickups along the way and a few regressions. 6 months later, MATE 1.2 brought many bug fixes and a much more solid experience. This time around MATE 1.4 not only strengthens the quality and stability of the desktop but it goes beyond GNOME 2 by fixing bugs which were in GNOME 2 for years and by providing new features which were previously missing.

Cinnamon 1.6: Cinnamon is full of new features and among the most active projects in the Linux community. Within this release cycle, Cinnamon developed at an amazing pace and its development was frozen in preparation for Linux Mint 14. The result is impressive and despite all these new features, Cinnamon 1.6 is more stable than its predecessor.


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Poate ajuta pe cineva.. Daca cumva sistemu se blocheaza fara nici un motiv, se poate sa fie de la driverele video :)

Din meniu, cautati SoftwareSources, asteptati..tine prea mult pana porneste. Dati la tabul cu Additional drivers, si alegeti care vi se pare cel mai potrivit (evident, nu ala opensource, caci asta cauza problemele.. cel putin in cazul meu).


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