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Lansarea Grand Theft Auto 5 A Fost Amanata Pana Pe 17 Septembrie

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Cei de la Rockstar Games ne-au anuntat ca lansarea jocului Grand Theft Auto 5 nu se va mai produce in aceasta primavara, ci patru luni mai tarziu, noua data de lansare fiind intr-o marti, 17 septembrie 2013. Bineinteles, versiunea pentru PC a jocului nu a fost inca confirmata, dar ne putem gandi ca intarzierea se poate datora si faptului ca studiourile au inceput deja sa lucreze la aceasta versiune :-?.

Mesajul publicat de companie poate fi citit mai jos:


Dear all

Today, we have an official release date to share with you: Grand Theft Auto V will arrive in stores on September 17, 2013.

We know this is about four months later than originally planned and we know that this short delay will come as a disappointment to many of you, but, trust us, it will be worth the extra time. GTAV is a massively ambitious and complex game and it simply needs a little more polish to be of the standard we and, more importantly, you require.

To all Grand Theft Auto fans, please accept our apologies for the delay, and our promise that the entire team here is working very hard to make the game all it can be. We are doing all we can to help ensure it will meet if not exceed your expectations come September - we thank you for your support and patience.

Yours, The GTA Team

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