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Am si eu o problema cu CS 1.6. Deci intru in CS, intru pe un server joc cateva minute apoi se blocheaza ptr cateva secundesi aparea eroarea aceasta (cl_flushentitypacket) si isi revine la normal, face asa de vreo cateva ori apoi se blocheaza jocul de tot si trebuie sa-l inchid din task manager. Vreo solutie ? Am windows 7 si am STEAM. Am cautat pe forumul steam aceasta eroare, am incercat absolut orice fara nici un rezultat.


E problema de conexiune, apare cand pachetele nu sunt primite de la server in totalitate; nu prea o poti rezolva de unul singur, suna la provider spune-le ca-ti merge netul prost. Folosesti wireless? Daca folosesti Steam, intra in BETA la counter, poate ajuta. Eventual, sterge antivirusul, daca folosesti unul.

Uite ce zice steam:

If you are getting CL_FlushEntityPacket Warnings this typically means that either:

Your internet connection or the server's internet connection is having problems.

Your connection is overloaded, for example running a peer-to-peer filesharing application in the background.
Checked, none programs are running

There are other computers on your local network using your internet connection.
Checked, there are no other computers

The server you are on has its network connection overloaded.

You are running on a wireless connection with a poor or inconsistent signal.
Checked, I'm connected to the Internet by cable

You have a Virus or Trojan or Internet Worm infection that is generating traffic.
Checked, I ran 2 different anti-virus programs on my computer, no results of trojans or virusses

You are connected to the internet using a dial-up or other low-speed connection.
Checked, highspeed Internet

You have your rate or cl_updaterate or cl_cmdrate settings too fast for your internet connection.
Checked, I have adjusted the values, without any success

You can help to identify and eliminate the source of your problem by:

Shut down all unnecessary programs on your computer before playing.

Disconnect all other computers in your household to see if they are causing the problem.

Scan all computers on your home network for virus/trojan and spyware.

If you are running on a wireless network, try connecting using a direct ethernet cable and see if the problem goes away. You will probably have to disable the "Wireless Zero Configuration" service while you are playing as well. 

Safe rates for dial-up connections are typically around 3500-5000, while broadband connections should be able to safely run 30000 or better. You set this in your game console (~ typically) by entering: rate <value>
The default cl_updaterate is 20, setting the value to a higher number increases the download demand on your connection. Set this in your console: cl_updaterate 20

The default cl_cmdrate is 30, setting the cale to a higher number increases the upload demoand on your internet connection. Set this in your console: cl_cmdrate 30
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