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D-aia aveti Google fratilor... . (o sa fac referire la filme)

Scene - persoanele care merg la cinema

NonScene - persoanele care asteapta filmul pe trackere

Pretime - perioada de timp de la lansarea filmului pana la aparitia sa pe tracker

0day - atunci cand filmul apare pe tracker in ziua oficiala de lansare in cinema

Top-sites - nu stiu daca are vreun inteles ascuns

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You couldn't be more wrong Lus.


Scene, scena, nu se refera la scena de la cinema lol :D sau persoanele care merg la cinema. Daca ati auzit de Warez, puteti face legatura repede. In principiu tot ce e nou si cunoscut, face parte din scena.

About the scene:




Scene Releases (only):

Or, Scene Material (only). These trackers only deal in proper ’scene releases’ - most are also considered 0Day trackers.


0-Day / 0-Sec:

0-Day means someone has access to a release within a day after it was pre’d, but usually the time is much shorter than a day.




When a release group pre’s a release, it will be available for other people and the distribution will start. Simply put, when something is pre’d, that is when the life cycle for it begins.


Often there’s a message that accompanies a new torrent and it looks similar to this - “**Uploaded 4 mins, 54 secs after pre

**”. Since proper ’scene releases’ are not directly pre’d on BitTorrent sites (normally it’s done on IRC), there’s always a waiting period before it arrives even on the most elite private trackers. This “pre-time” means it took almost 5 minutes for the tracker to offer the release as a torrent. The shorter the time, the better. And 5 minutes is a damn-good pre-time! It goes without saying that pre-times vary greatly between private trackers - some are closer to the pre’s ’source’ than others, and are thus notoriously known for great pre-times.


Top sites.. pai..e un termen general, dar daca e vorba de trackere, e vorba de top sites din categoria trackere. cum, cele mai bune sunt private, atunci n-o sa-ti apara la top sites. Inv only.


Nu nu, ai inteles gresit :)). Am scris in paranteza >>referire la filme<<, ca sa inteleaga. Eu asa stiam, ca Scene se refera la persoanele care au acces la material inainte de a ajunge pe tracker (in cazul filmelor, cinemaul).




Pai tot Scene :)), ca doar fac acelasi lucru... pre-time mai scurt. Dar cam rar au acces 'piratii' la materiale inainte de lansarea oficiala.



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"Family and Friends" mereu vor avea access la anumite chestii inainte de lansarea oficiala oriunde in lume (etc). Iar pirateria (si torrent-ul), a fost inventata la Hollywood. Cea mai buna metoda de reclama in toata lumea.

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