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Xbox One Poate Rula Aplicatii De Windows 8

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Conform unor oficiali Dell, Xbox One este capabila sa ruleze aplicatii compatibile cu Windows 8. Acest anunt ar fi fost facut de catre Microsoft chiar la evenimentul de lansare a consolei, iar acum cei de la Dell au confirmat acest lucru. De asemenea, Xbox One ar putea fi folosit si pe post de Desktop sau Server media pentru acasa, si nu doar de consola de jocuri.


According to the page which was for Dell’s Xbox One pre-orders, it reads, “Consider the game officially changed. With all your favorite Windows 8 apps able to be run on and synced to your Xbox One, now your phone, desktop, tablet and TV can all give you a unified web and entertainment experience.” While Dell definitely has experience in field of Windows 8 products, this is hardly an official announcement meaning that there is an off-chance that Dell could have their facts wrong.

Detalii suplimentare: http://www.ubergizmo.com/2013/10/dell-seemingly-confirms-xbox-one-can-run-windows-8-apps/

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stai stai deci procesorul ala smecher de pe xbox poate sa ruleze aplicatii scrise pentru un procesor deasta normal? 


Inseamna ca sunt sanse sa se faca si proiecte 3rd party sa mearga chestiile invers? :-? 

love is a verb
Love is a doing word


Microsoft incearca sa unifice magazinele de aplicatii, dar nu va reusi prea curand 


“Microsoft is committed to making it easier for developers to bring an app from one platform to another, but we have nothing more to share at this time about apps on Xbox One.”



At this point, though, it seems unlikely that Xbox One users will simply be able to download any (or even most) apps from some integrated Windows 8 Store to their console without modification.


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