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Jocurile De Pe Xbox 360 Merg Pe Xbox One?

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Daca sunteti posesorul unei console Xbox 360 cu sigurata sunteti interesati daca jocurile de pe actuala consola vor merge si pe Xbox One. Asa cum probabil stiti, platformele sunt diferite, drept pentru care jocurile nu vor putea fi compatibile. Si, pentru a spulbera orice speranta, Albert Panello, un oficial Microsoft a iesit in fata si a declarat ca retrocompatibilitatea ar putea fi atinsa doar prin streaming din cloud, insa, pe cat de avansata este tehnologia in momentul de fata, pe atat de greu ar fi de implementat o varianta optima. Mai exact, daca utilizatorii nu dispun de o conexiune la internet stabila si foarte rapida, totul se va misca foarte greu:


"In the world of things I wish they had not shown at the Company Meeting because I knew I'd be asked about it later, put that at the top of my list. That is a good example, in certain circumstances [the cloud streaming] worked really awesome.
It's really cool and really problematic, all at the same time, insofar as it's really super cool if you happen to have the world's most awesome internet connection. It works way better than you'd expect it to.
So managing quality of service, the tolerance people will have for it being crappy. Can you imagine, in this day and age, with the bad information around, and we can't control the quality of that experience and make sure it's good, or have to tell people they can't do it?"

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  • 2 years later...

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