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Dear user,

1. Do not post messages containing false, defamatory, inaccurate, vulgar or obscene information, sexual content or rude comments about someone's life. You are responsible for the content of your posted messages;
2. Do not post any material covered by copyright, except for the situation when you have the written consent of the author or the copyright owner. You are obligated to provide the original source.
3. It is completely forbidden to post messages with pirated content or sites of that nature.
4. Before creating a thread, make sure it hasn't been discussed before, by using the Search function;
5. Choose the corresponding section for your post;
6. As long as the Edit fuction is still available, multi-posting is forbidden as it is considered SPAM, hence it will be punished with a warning;
7. Do not abuse the emoticons;
8. Do not post short messages such as: lol, super, nice etc., which have no value;
9. Do not use childish language such as: ez, kthxbye, umadcuzbad etc;
10. Try to use the default writing settings. Avoid using bright colors (which may annoy readers) or large letters / words. They are allowed for special cases only, to highlight the important things;
11. Remember that the quantity is not as important as the quality. Therefore, try to be helpful rather than post-hunting;
12. Do not create clones (one member with multiple names, IDs). These accounts will be suspended indefinitely;
13. Inappropriate names, avatars and signatures are not allowed, they will be immediately removed;
14. If you find a post that violates these Rules, you may bring it up to our attention, by using the Report function;
15. You are responsible for your attached files and links. If any of them contain viruses, trojans, spyware, etc. , you will be banned;
16. It is forbidden to use unknown proxies;
17. Advertising is not permitted. Those who violate this rule will be warned. If they continue to ignore the rule, they will be banned for 30 days.

Moderator's responsabilities:

1. First of all, they have to follow the same rules like all the other users;
2. Moderators must remain neutral. Do not argue with users;
3. Before closing a thread, Moderators must explain why. Only Administrators are allowed to delete threads;
4. Do not abuse the opportunity to make an important message;
5. Moderators are allowed to delete any post that doesn’t belong there (offtopic);
6. Moderators must edit the posts that violate the writing rules (rules 7, 8, 9, 10);
7. Moderators have to message those who violate the rules, warning them. If they keep breaking the rules, you may contact the Administrator.

Any violation of these regulations entitles PC Troubleshooting Forum Moderators and Administrators to warn and/or ban members for a indefinite period of time. It is impossible for the owner to keep track of everything, especially of every single post, therefore, he can not be responsible for their content and can not ensure the accuracy of information. All members have to read and comply with the Rules. Ignoring them is not a choice, nor it is a reason.

Last revision: 03/01/2012

Translated from Forum Rules.

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