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Lista Comenzi / Coduri Dota 2 - Cheats

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Pentru inceput trebuie sa stiti ca aceste coduri disponibile pentru Dota 2 pot fi folosite doar in meciurile de antrenament (practice). Pentru a le putea folosi trebuie sa bifati optiunea "Enable Cheats" din setarile de creare a unui Lobby, dupa care, in momentul in care jocul a inceput apasati tasta "Enter" (responsabila pentru chat-ul in-game) si pur si simplu tastati codul/codurile dorite din lista de mai jos (cu tot cu liniuta/minusul din fata comenzii):




-lvlup <x>

Gain x levels.

-levelbots <x>

All bots gain x levels.

-gold <x>

Gain x unreliable gold.

-item <name>

Gives the player the named item. Refer to the internal item names, below.

-givebots <name>

Gives all bots the named item.


Gives the player full health and mana, and renews cooldowns.


Moves the player to fountain, also respawning if dead.


Sets the timer to 0:00, creeps spawn and game starts.


Spawns creeps instantly.


Spawns neutral camps instantly, taking into account neutral spawn blocking.



Disables / enables lane creep spawning


Spawns a rune randomly at one of the two rune spots.


Kills all creeps.


Destroys all wards.

-createhero <name>

-createhero <name> enemy

Creates named hero as a friendly or as an enemy. Hero will spawn at the location of your mouse pointer. Refer to the internal hero names, below.


Displays AI status.



Turn on or off "wtf" mode, where abilities have no mana cost or cooldown.



Turn on or off "allvision" mode, where the player is given vision of both factions.

-createhero fountain

creates an immobile fountain to your side.

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