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Problema Chat: Mesajul Nu Apare Dupa Ce Este Trimis

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Salut !

Am si eu o problema la chat, dupa ce il instalez.. imi zice in chat:

No shouts have been made in the Shoutbox, why don't you add one to get the Shoutbox started?


- Recrutam Staff + Servere !


Fa-i setarile la fiecare grup in parte sa aiba acces la chat! :)

Vezi sa fie selectate pe Yes ambele casute ca in poza de mai jos! :)


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Nu merge sa postezi un mesaj pe chat sau ce?

No shouts have been made in the Shoutbox, why don't you add one to get the Shoutbox started?

Apare la toti dupa ce il instalam.

nu merge nici pe alta tema :-s


imi da o erroare acuma :-??

 Fatal error: Call to a member function announcement() on a non-object in /home/csro/public_html/forum/admin/applications_addon/other/shoutbox/sources/classes/library.php on line 397

Erroare cand instalez Chat-ul:

Welcome to the IP.Board application set up utility. 
This installation is in progress... 

The following errors have been found:

· CREATE TABLE hightcs_ipbshoutbox_shouts ( s_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, s_mid int(11) NOT NULL, s_date int(11) NOT NULL, s_message text NOT NULL, s_ip varchar(32) NOT NULL, s_edit_history text NULL, PRIMARY KEY (s_id), KEY (s_mid), KEY (s_date) )

Can't create table 'csro_ipb.hightcs_ipbshoutbox_shouts' (errno: -1)
· CREATE TABLE hightcs_ipbshoutbox_mods ( m_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, m_type VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL default '', m_mg_id INT(11) NOT NULL default '0', m_edit_shouts tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', m_delete_shouts tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', m_delete_shouts_user tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', m_ban_members tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', m_unban_members tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', m_remove_mods tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (m_id) )

Can't create table 'csro_ipb.hightcs_ipbshoutbox_mods' (errno: -1)
· INSERT INTO hightcs_ipbshoutbox_shouts (s_id, s_mid, s_date, s_message, s_ip, s_edit_history) VALUES ( NULL, '0', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'Congratulations, you have successfully installed Shoutbox!
Now you need to setup the shoutbox permissions in ACP -> Members TAB -> Member Groups -> Manage Member Groups -> Edit a Group -> Shoutbox TAB', '', NULL );

Table 'csro_ipb.hightcs_ipbshoutbox_shouts' doesn't exist
Click here to continue regardless


- Recrutam Staff + Servere !

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