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De Ce Nu Mai Primesc Obiecte Cand Trec Nivelul In Dota 2?

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Daca jucati Dota 2 si va intrebati de ce nu mai primiti obiecte cand treceti nivelul, sau, random la sfarsitul meciurilor, asa cum se intampla pana nu de mult, aflati ca acest lucru se intampla intentionat si are legatura cu update-ul din 30 octombrie 2014: http://store.steampowered.com/news/14840/


De acum, obiectele se primesc in functie de orele jucate, si nu in functie de nivel, iar conform spuselor celor de la Valve "drop-urile" sunt mai valoroase, incluzand: seturi complete, comori, bundles si chiar obiecte de raritatea Arcana, termenul la care acesta vor cadea fiind si el marit.


De asemenea, cutia (treasure) rezultata din "", "Dynamic Present", ce putea fi deschisa din 5 in 5 niveluri dispare la ultima deschidere.


Extras din stirea ce anunta update-ul:

The current item drop system doesn't function well as a reward mechanism. It drops many items on players who aren't interested in them (the items are extremely common, or they're for a hero the player doesn't play), and in the process dilutes the value of the items. We'd like to get to a place where dramatically fewer uninteresting items enter the economy. We don't have a complete solution yet, so we're going to move forward step by step, taking feedback from you as we go.

- Item drops are now entirely time based instead of level based.
Drop list now includes full sets, treasures, bundles and Arcanas at a rare rate instead of frequently dropping common items
- Battle boosters have been removed from the game entirely (we actually removed them from the store in September).
Players with an active battle booster will receive a free Treasure of the Rotted Gallows.
Players who had an unused purchased battle booster in their armory will receive a free Treasure Redemption Token.

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