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BioShock a fost fara urma de indoiala vedeta verii in acest an, jocul celor de la 2K Games obtinand note foarte bune atat in prezentarile tiparite, cat si in cele realizte online. Din pacate, BioShock a avut si cateva probleme tehnice, nerezolvate pana la momentul lansarii sale.

Iata ca le-a luat aproape jumatate de an celor de la 2K pentru a rezolva aceste neajunsuri, prin intermediul primului patch oficial pentru BioShock, v1.1. Daca detineti versiunea retail a jocului, puteti descarca update-ul (care aduce cu sine, pe langa rezolvarea anumitor bug-uri, si noi plasmide si tonics-uri) de aici. In cazul in care detineti o versiune achizitionata prin intermediul unui serviciu de distributie online, cum ar fi Steam, jocul ar trebui sa faca update automat la urmatoarea pornirea a acestuia.

Iata mai jos lista completa a modificarilor aduse de patch-ul v1.1 pentru BioShock:


- Added compatibility with Matrox TripleHead2Go - Allows Bioshock users to play in Surround Gaming Mode across 3 screens simultaneously

- Added rendering support for TripleHead2Go

- Added the following plasmids and gene tonics: Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom 2, Eve Saver, Machine Buster, Machine Buster 2, Vending Expert, Vending Expert 2

- Added an Option to disable the Vita-Chambers for added difficulty.

- Changed behavior of subtitles so that inappropriate queuing is improved

- Added support for a walk toggle keybind

- Added Horizontal FOV Lock option

- Atlas VO volume increased for German releases


- Re-added the Human Inferno tonic which was missing from the retail release.

- Fixed mouse acceleration issues

- Fixed issue of subtitles not clearing correctly on occasion

- Fix for a potential situation in Fort Frolic where taking a picture of Cobb is impossible if his body gets stuck behind a fallen pillar

- Fixed subtitle timings to more accurately match the on screen audio

- Fixed issue causing stuttering audio when using Windows Vista

- Fixed issue with characters squirming and wiggling after death

- Fixed blood decals and other projectors not showing up on ATI hardware

- The "Use Creative EAX Audio" option is now greyed out when EAX-capable hardware is not present

- Fixed audio issues stemming from having a Speaker Setting in Windows that was invalid for the current sound card

- Fixed reserved keys not functioning properly when keys are unbound

- Fixed multiple cases of keys not allowing a rebind

- Removed erroneous "Reload" binding in a no-weapons context

- Fixed incorrect Training Message concerning bots who are friendly to enemy AIs

- Fixed incorrect Training Message when shooting a Mimic

- Fixed refresh rate being locked at 60hz in DX10 mode

- Fixed VSync disabling in DX10 mode

Sursa XtremPC

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