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Daca detineti sau ati jucat Mortal Kombat 10, stiti ca in campania single player anumiti luptatori sunt doar pe post de adversari, acestia neputand fi selectati. Totusi, aplicand un mic siretlic (redenumirea catorva fisiere) veti putea sa jucati cu Rain si Baraka. Totul este posibil prin folosirea abilitatii lui Shinok de a imita miscarile altor luptatori si prin redenumirea fisierelor indicate in postul de mai jos preluat de pe reddit:
There are other files you can change to get stuff like Rain's name under the health Bar but the only files I modded are in the "Assets" folder I believe; there should be 2 associated with Rain (Rain_A.xxx and another one I can't remember but you can just search the folder for Rain)
Anyway, I backed up the files for Shinnok (the character I'm replacing) and renamed Rain's files to match those associated with Shinnok's 1st costume slot (CHAR_Shinnok_A.xxx and one other, the one that matches Rain's other one) and moved 'em to the folder and overwrote Shinnok's old files with the newly renamed Rain files.
What you see is just me playing in training mode with what the game thinks is Shinnok but is using Rain's model and moveset.


Iata si demonstratiile video:



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