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Conectare sistem 5.1 la Gigabyte G1.Sniper Z97

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Recent a trebuit sa mut putin calculatorul de pe biroul destinat lui, dupa care sa-l aduc inapoi. Totul bine si frumos pana la conectarea sistemului 5.1 (Logitech X-530), pe care eu il folosesc 3.1, pe placa de baza (GIGABYTE G1.Sniper Z97) care incercase sa ma puna in dificultate si la prima conectare, si asta pentru ca placa de baza nu are jack-urile placii de sunet integrate colorate. Toate sunt aurii.

Daca va aflati intr-o situatie similara, iata ce am facut eu:
1. Am rasfoit rapid manualul placii de baza si am ajuns la schema urmatoare (pagina 20-21):

2. Cu ajutorul informatiilor oferite de catre un membru al echipei de suport Logitech, am conectat toate boxele astfel incat sa se auda bine:

If you have a PC and a:

  • 6, 7 or 8 channel (5.1, 6.1 or 7.1) sound card: Connect all 3 colored plugs from the audio input cable to the colored jacks on the sound card.

If jacks on your soundcard are not color coded, plug the audio input as follows:

  • green to front L/R (or #1)
  • black to rear L/R (or #2)
  • orange to center / sub (or #3)
  • 4-channel sound card: Connect the green plug from the audio input cable to your sound card’s front jack and the black plug to your sound card’s rear jack. Do not use the orange plug.
  • 2-channel sound card: Connect the green plug from the audio input cable to the “line out” jack on your sound card. Do not use the black or orange plugs.

With a 2-channel sound card you will not hear sound from the rear speakers.

P.S: Pentru conectarea sistemului full 5.1 vedeti pagina 96 din manualul placii de baza, ce poate fi descarcat de aici: http://www.gigabyte.com.ro/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4952#manual.

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