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Noile actualizari pentru Windows 7 si 8 ne spioneaza!?

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Conform Ghacks.net, noile actualizari (KB3075249, KB3080149 si KB3068708) pentru Windows 7 si 8/8.1 contribuie la colectarea de date pe care Microsoft a inceput-o public (detalii in Privacy Policy si Service Agreement) cu Windows 10. In link-urile anterioare veti gasi urmatoarele:

  1. Microsoft creates a unique advertising ID for each user on a device running Windows 10. This can be turned off in the Privacy Settings.
  2. What you say or type may be processed by Microsoft, for instance by the operating system's Cortana service or by providing spelling correction.
  3. Windows supports a location service that allows apps and services, such as Find My Device, to request your location in the world. This can be turned off in the Privacy settings.
  4. Microsoft syncs some Windows settings automatically when you sign in to a Microsoft account. This is done to provide users with a personalized experience across devices. Data that gets synced includes installed apps and their settings, web browser history and favorites, passwords and wireless network names, and addresses of shared printers.
  5. Telemetry data is collected by Microsoft. This includes installed software, configuration data and network and connection data. While some of it can be turned off in the Settings, not all can.

Revenind la update-urile pentru Windows 7 si 8.1 (KB3075249, KB3080149 si KB3068708), acestea ar fi responsabile de:

  • KB3068708 Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry - This update introduces the Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service to existing devices. By applying this service, you can add benefits from the latest version of Windows to systems that have not yet upgraded. The update also supports applications that are subscribed to Visual Studio Application Insights. (Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1), and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1)
  • KB3022345 (replaced by KB3068708) Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry - This update introduces the Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service to in-market devices. By applying this service, you can add benefits from the latest version of Windows to systems that have not yet been upgraded. The update also supports applications that are subscribed to Visual Studio Application Insights. (Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1), and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1)
  • KB3075249 Update that adds telemetry points to consent.exe in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 - This update adds telemetry points to the User Account Control (UAC) feature to collect information on elevations that come from low integrity levels. (Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1), and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1)
  • KB3080149 Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry - This package updates the Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service to existing devices. This service provides benefits from the latest version of Windows to systems that have not yet upgraded. The update also supports applications that are subscribed to Visual Studio Application Insights. (Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1), and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1)

Detalii suplimentare pe: http://www.ghacks.net/2015/08/28/microsoft-intensifies-data-collection-on-windows-7-and-8-systems/ si http://www.pcworld.com/article/2978239/windows/microsoft-slips-user-tracking-tools-into-windows-7-8-amidst-windows-10-privacy-storm.html

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Un lucru mai zic...Nu inteleg si n-am inteles,poate nici n-o sa inteleg vreodata cum oamenii sunt speriati de niste lucruri care existau si inainte,dar nu erau facute public...


Un lucru mai zic...Nu inteleg si n-am inteles,poate nici n-o sa inteleg vreodata cum oamenii sunt speriati de niste lucruri care existau si inainte,dar nu erau facute public...

Nu stiu daca e cineva speriat, nu de aici de pe forum cel putin (poate Meitnerium sa se teama putin :))), singurul lucru de care lumea se mai "sperie" e invadarea intimitatii, intimitate care nu stiu daca a existat vreodata din momentul conectarii unui PC la internet. 

Nu-mi pasa : am o gramada de tool - uri pentru dezactivarea acestor mizerii.:troll:

Aceste update-uri se pot dezinstala si din Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and features (uninstall or change a program) -> View installed updates.

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Cum pot sustine forumul?
Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link.


Nu stiu daca e cineva speriat, nu de aici de pe forum cel putin (poate Meitnerium sa se teama putin :))), singurul lucru de care lumea se mai "sperie" e invadarea intimitatii, intimitate care nu stiu daca a existat vreodata din momentul conectarii unui PC la internet. 

Aceste update-uri se pot dezinstala si din Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and features (uninstall or change a program) -> View installed updates.

Mda stiu..........dar nu sunt numai aceste update-uri, mai sunt si alte chestii, vezi capturi de ecran :

Aceste capturi sunt facute pe Windows 7, dar pe Windows 8.1 / sunt mult mai multe mizerii care trebuiesc dezactivate.







  • Upvote 1

Mda stiu..........dar nu sunt numai aceste update-uri, mai sunt si alte chestii, vezi capturi de ecran :

Aceste capturi sunt facute pe Windows 7, dar pe Windows 8.1 / sunt mult mai multe mizerii care trebuiesc dezactivate.

 Programe pentru hackeri si criminali lol :))

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