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Salut, am si eu o problema cu placa video ATI RADEON 9250. Vreau sa instalez driverul video si imi da aceasta eroare:

Setup was unable to complete the installation.
Try to setup your display adapter with a standard VGA driver before running setup.

Ma puteti ajuta? Cine rezolva problema sunt dispus si sa ii dau 5e!

P.S.: Daca nu am postat bine rog mutarea topicului!


Uite o posibila solutie.

I just found a way that worked for me. I was having the same problem. It seems, at least in my case to be a problem between ATI video cards and VIA chipsets. Go to Device Manager, Under system devices, uninstall the VIA CPU to AGP controller, and then reboot. This allowed me to install a standard VGA compatible device upon start up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ai facut toate updateurile la windows? Daca nu, sa le faci si incearca iarasi

Edit.Daca ai fi citit pe net, ai fi aflat ca placa ta video nu suporta windows 7. 


In linku ala ai mai multe metode, de la diferiti oameni. Incearca-le pe rand, pe toate. Vezi daca merg.. daca nu, nu prea avem ce sa-ti facem.

love is a verb
Love is a doing word

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