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Facebook tocmai a lansat facilitatea Live Video, ce permite transmiterea live direct pe profilurile personale, pentru toti utilizatorii sai, aceasta fiind deja disponibila inca din luna august a anului curent, insa putea fi utilizata doar prin intermediul aplicatiei Mentions, disponibila vedetelor. Totusi, noua optiune este accesibila momentan doar pentru posesorii de terminale cu iOS.

Today we’re beginning to test the ability for people to share live video on Facebook, starting with a small percentage of people in the US on iPhones. Live lets you show the people you care about what you’re seeing in real time — whether you’re visiting a new place, cooking your favorite recipe, or just want to share some thoughts. No matter where you are, Live lets you bring your friends and family right next to you to experience what’s happening together.

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