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Participantii la programul Microsoft Insider tocmai ce au primit in avanpremiera cel mai nou update pentru Windows 10 si anume build 11102. Daca va intrebati de ce doar ei, raspunsul este foarte simplu: pentru ca acesta este rolul lor. Altfel spus sunt ca niste cobai voluntari carora Microsoft le mai ofera din cand in cand cate un beneficiu in schimbul testarii diferitelor actualizari ce urmeaza sa fie disponibile pentru toata lumea.

Acum, ca totul este clar, sa intram in subiect. Windows 10 build 11102 aduce cu sine numeroase probleme printre care:

-aparitia unui bug la componenta grafica ce va inchide o serie de jocuri printre care: Metal Gear Solid 5, The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Tomb Raider sau Assasin's Creed. Acesta se va manifesta fie la initializarea jocului, fie la schimbarea rezolutiei sau la trecerea din modul fereastra in modul full screen.
-aplicatiile de asistenta Narrator si Magnifier vor da crash frecvent;
-WSClient.dll poate da eroare la pornire;
-in anumite cazuri placa de retea nu mai este considerata compatibila cu sistemul de operare, desi in build-ul anterior a fost.

Desigur, Microsoft a anuntat ca lucreaza la solutionarea problemelor inainte de lansarea build-ului final.

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Intre timp,a fost lansat si build-ul 14251.

''This build does contain some really good bug fixes that Insiders will appreciate:

  • We fixed the issue where some PC games would crash switching from windowed mode to full screen, upon game resolution change, or upon launch due to a bug in Windows graphics stack. So play your games! If you run into any issues – please let us know by reporting in the Feedback app and include the game title.
  • We fixed the issue where applications such as Narrator, Magnifier, and third-party assistive technologies may experience intermittent issues or crashes.
  • We fixed an issue where File Explorer would crash frequently when DPI settings were at 175%.

I also want to reiterate once again that with the change to release builds faster to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring, bugs like the ones we had in the last build (or the File Explorer copy UX from the prior build) are going to pop up. Sometimes it might be several builds before we get these bugs fixed. And there might be times where a build we release contains bugs we haven’t found in internal testing as well.

We’re at the beginning of a new development cycle for our next feature update to Windows 10, and that means teams will be checking in lots of new code as they integrate their feature payloads. Being an Insider means you’re getting the latest code changes, and working with new builds that are relatively new even for Microsoft employees. If this worries you, you can switch to the Slow ring and stick with less frequent but more stable builds.

Known issues:

  • You might see a WSClient.dll error dialog after logging in. We’re working on a fix for this but as a workaround, you can run the following in Command Prompt with administrative rights: schtasks /delete /TN “\Microsoft\Windows\WS\WSRefreshBannedAppsListTask” /F
  • The Connect button does not show up in Action Center. The workaround is to press Windows key + P and then click “Connect to a wireless display”.
  • Due to a recent memory management change, you may see periodic app crashes or other memory related app errors. The workaround is to reboot your PC.
  • F12 Developer Tools will not load in Microsoft Edge. Should be fixed in the next build.''

Am facut update azi,si-am zis eu sa impartasesc rezolvarile cu voi.

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