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IPS 4 Problem processing the uploaded file. 8



Cu ceva timp in urma am intalnit o eroare pe IPS 4 pe care am rezolvat-o cu ajutorul celor de la suportul oficial si a carei rezolvare am uitat sa o public. Pentru ca mi-am adus aminte de ea, o voi face acum. Eroarea pe care o primeam era: There was a problem processing the uploaded file. 8, si aparea atunci cand incercam sa instalez un plugin/hook/aplicatie. Orice incercam sa instalez primeam acea eroare:


Dupa cateva zile de investigatii si asteptari, cei de la suport au reusit sa descopere unde era buba. Raspunsul oficial a fost acesta:


PHP is blocking the upload due to another extension that is installed. Specifically, error code 8 is returned, which you can read more about here: http://php.net/manual/ro/features.file-upload.errors.php

I would hazard a guess that the extension most likely blocking the file upload is Suhosin, but I'm afraid you will need to contact your host for further assistance with this issue. If possible, I would start with disabling suhosin to see if that resolves the issue you are facing.

Mai pe scurt, modul Suhosin facea ca PHP-ul sa blocheze upload-ul plugin-ului pe server. Odata ce a fost dezactivat acest modul totul a mers ca la carte.

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