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Size redus & Upload Problem




Am si eu doua probleme , la care sper sa gasesc un raspuns aici pe forum !

1.Am atasat o imagine , imi poate spune cineva care este problema de ce se vede atat de mic forumul?


2.La orice tentativa de upload , primesc o eroare  de genul



There was a problem processing the uploaded file. 6

M-am documentat si din ce am inteles este legata de folderul tmp.Pe host din anumite motive cand creezi un subdomeniu iti administreaza si un folder separat in root , separat de public_html , ceva de genul.


Am incercat sa fac un subdomeniu redirectionat catre public)html/forums , am pus acolo un fisier de test index.html

Primesc eroarea asta.

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator at webmaster@forums.apocalypsemu.com to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.



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