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            <h2>Welcome to FragBite Romania</h2>
            <p>FragBite Romania is a community which focuses on the social aspect of gaming.We always valued the joy of playing games with others and overcoming challenges together over sitting behind a pc toiling away.We want to have fun and achieve success in today’s "Gaming" world</p>
            <div class="da-img"><img style="height: 256px;" src="http://fragbite.ro/forum/public/style_images/hgk/1.png" alt="image01"></div>
        <div class="da-slide da-slide-toleft">
            <h2>JOIN OUR BRAND NEW CSGO SERVER</h2>
            <p>Be the first one to experience the competitive feeling on our brand new CSGO server. We are currently searching for dedicated staff members and dedicated players but most importantly, we just want you to have fun and compete with each other</p>
            <div class="da-img"><img style="height: 256px;" src="http://fragbite.ro/forum/public/style_images/hgk/2.png" alt="image01"></div>
        <div class="da-slide da-slide-toleft">
            <h2>JOIN OUR BRAND NEW TF2 SERVER</h2>
            <p>Be the first one to have fun on our brand new
                <br> Team Fortress 2 server. We are currently searching for dedicated staff members and dedicated players but most importantly, we just want you to have fun.</p>
            <div class="da-img"><img style="height: 256px;" src="http://fragbite.ro/forum/public/style_images/hgk/3.png" alt="image01"></div>
        <div class="da-slide da-slide-fromright da-slide-current">
            <h2>Coming Soon - SA:MP SERVERS</h2>
            <p>Be the first one to have fun on our brand new
                <br> SA:MP server. We are currently searching for dedicated staff members and dedicated players but most importantly, we just want you to have fun.</p>
            <div class="da-img"><img style="height: 236px;" src="http://fragbite.ro/forum/public/style_images/hgk/4.png" alt="image01"></div>
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