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Pot fi mai multe motive :

1. Ai sters ceva din css sau ai un punct sau virgula pusa inafara parantezelor

2. ai sters din header linkul catre css (cel mai probabil pentru ca nu il gasesc in <head>)

3. Cache (Poti sterge cache-ul pentru inceput)

Depinde si unde ai pus codul , si ce fel de cod era

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Codul l-am pus in boardindex jos de tot.

Oricum am sters tot, am baza de date salvata si cand dau sa reinstalez ipb ul imi zice

The database (numebazadate) you are attempting to install into has existing tables using the same prefix (). 
You can either select to overwrite or choose a new database or table prefix. 
Or did you mean to upgrade

On 2/1/2018 at 10:56 PM, DeNyS. said:


Am salvat si acum imi da eroarea asta

Fatal error: Call to a member function userHoverCard() on null in on line 172

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