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de ce cand intru in acp imi apare asa 

There appears to be an error with the database.

If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an administrator before the site will become accessible again.

You can try to refresh the page by clicking here


si cand dau click pe categorie imi scrie asa 

This page isn’t working

 is currently unable to handle this request.

la ipb 3.
  • 1 month later...


pe forum unde sunt topicuriile merge DA IN ACP IMI APARE ASA

There appears to be an error with the database.

If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an administrator before the site will become accessible again.

You can try to refresh the page by clicking here

ajutatima va rog vreau ipb 3.4.9

vreau sa rezolv problema asta


Verifică versiunea de php pe care o are site-ul, IPB 3.4 nu suportă versiune mai mare de 5.7 parcă, cam așa. Recomandat e 5.6

"Sufletele cele mai întunecate nu sunt cele care aleg să existe în iad, ci acelea care aleg să evadeze și se mută în tăcere printre noi." - Samuel Loomis (Halloween)

  • 1 year later...
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