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NPD Group a facut public topul celor mai bine vandute jocuri de PC din perioada 18 - 24 februarie 2007. Observam ascensiunea RTS-ului Supreme Commander printre valurile de expansion-uri pentru Sims 2, precum si locul fruntas ocupat de expansion-ului World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Iata intregul top:

1. World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Pack (Vivendi) - $36

2. Supreme Commander (THQ) - $48

3. World Of Warcraft (Vivendi) - $20

4. The Sims 2 (Electronic Arts) - $37

5. The Sims: Life Stories (Electronic Arts) - $35

6. The Sims 2 Pets Expansion Pack (Electronic Arts) - $30

7. Battlefield 2142 (Electronic Arts) - $39

8. Deal or No Deal (Global Star Software/Take 2) - $20

9. MS Age Of Empires III (Microsoft) - $48

10. MS Flight Simulator X Deluxe (Microsoft) - $67

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