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Cei de la Rockstar Games au anutat oficial ca mult asteptata versiune PC a jocului FPS Grand Theft Auto 4 va fi lansata in America pe 18 noiembrie, respectiv 21 noiembrie in Europa. Deci prin decembrie - ianuarie, va apare si in Romania :)):P. Versiunea ce va fi lansata pe PC spre deosebire de cea pentru console, va beneficia de un mod multiplayer extins.

Anuntul oficial:

New York, NY – August 6, 2008 – Rockstar Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is proud to announce that Grand Theft Auto IV will be arriving on the PC on November 18th and 21st in North America and Europe, respectively.

"We are very excited to be releasing the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV," said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games. "The whole team is dedicated to bringing an amazing gaming experience to the PC. The game looks and plays beautifully on PC and we can't wait for people to play it."

Developed by series creator Rockstar North and set in Liberty City, the latest installment in the enormously successful Grand Theft Auto series features a painstakingly detailed and life-like city for players to explore; a rich, immersive narrative experience; an original soundtrack highlighting the cultural eclecticism of Liberty City; and newly expanded multiplayer just for the PC.


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Pentru castiguri (bani), se fac multe... nu le-ar strica cateva incasari in plus, mai ales ca auzisem pe la stiri ca prin nu stiu ce tara, a fost interzis din cauza unui copil care a furat o masina, si mergea prin oras, crezand-use in Grand Theft Auto 4.

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