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Syntax: Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map.



Syntax: Hover Your Character


.idleshutdown [#delay|cancel]

Syntax: Shut the server down after #delay seconds if no active connections are present (no players) or cancel the shutdown if cancel value is used.



Syntax: .learn all

.learn all_myclass

.learn all_lang

All learns all spells for gm's, all_myclass learns all spells for your class, all_lang learns all languages.


.levelup [1-69]

Syntax: Level Up Your Char With Selected #. To Down levels: .levelup -#


.lookupcreature [name of creature]

Syntax: Looks up a creature by nameofcreature, and returns all matches with their creature ID's.


.lookupitem [item name]

Syntax: Looks up an item by Item name, and returns all matches with their Item ID's.


.lookupobject [object name]

Syntax: Looks up an gameobject by object name, and returns all matches with their Gameobject ID's.


.lookupskill [name]

Syntax: Looks up a skill by name, and returns all matches with their skill ID's.


.lookupspell name

Syntax: Looks up a spell by name, and returns all matches with their spell ID's.



Syntax: Max's All Skills You Have Learned.


.morph [#display I.D]

Syntax: Change your current model id to #display I.D.



Syntax: Respawns All Dead And Alive NPC's, Mobs



Syntax: Revives Selected Player (Brings Back to Life)




Syntax: Checks Your Account Gm Level.



Syntax: Shows All The Availble Commands You May Use.



Syntax: Dismounts You From Your Mount.

NOTE* Must Be On A Munt To Work.



Syntax: Shows Gm's Online


.help [Command]

Syntax: Shows Help for the selected Command.



Syntax: Saves Character.



Syntax: Teleports To Where Your Hearthstone Is Set.

.announce [message]

Syntax: Broadcast a System Wide Message Viewed By All Players.



Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty Off. Players And Mobs Can Now Attack You.



Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty On. Players And Mobs Cant Attack You.

You Are Now Visible In .Gmlist


.goname [Char Name]

Syntax: Teleport Staright To The Selected Player.


.namego [Char Name]

Syntax: Teleport The Selected Player To You.



Syntax: Display the position information for a selected character or creature.

Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id


.learnsk [skill ID]

Syntax: Learns a skill for the selected player ingame.


.lookuptele [Location]

Syntax: Looks up the coordinates for the location selected.


.modify [Hp|Energy|Mana|Rage]

Syntax: Modify the selected players Hp, Energy, Mana, Rage.


.modify [speed|Swim|Scale|

Syntax: Modify speed and swim rate from scale 0-10.

Modify Scale (Size) For Selected player from scale 0.01-3.


.money [# Amount]

Syntax: Give Money In Copper To Selected Player



Syntax: Teleport Playername or selected player to the place where he has been before last use of a teleportation command.

If no Playername is entered and no player is selected, it will teleport you.



Syntax: Saves All Players In Game


.Visible [0 or 1]

Syntax: Output current visibility state or make GM visible(1) and invisible(0) for other players.

.addmove [#creature_guid] {#waittime}

Syntax: Add your current location as a waypoint for creature with guid #creature_guid. And optional add wait time.


.addspw [Creature I.D]

Syntax: Spawns Creature To The Location You Are Standing.


.changelevel [0-73]

Syntax: Changes level of Selected Mob Or NPC.



Syntax: Delete Selected Creature From World



Syntax: Delete gameobject with gameobject guid.



Syntax: .delticket [all]

.delticket [#num]

.delticket [character name]

[all] to delete all tickets at server, [character name] to delete ticket of this character, [#num] to delete ticket [#num].



Syntax: Demorph Selected Player



Syntax: Change the model id of the selected creature to



Syntax: Teleport your character to creature with guid


.kick [Char Name]

Syntax: Kick Char name of the server.


.pinfo [Char Name]

Syntax: Get Info on char's Account



Syntax: Teleports You To Programmer Island


.spawndist #dist

Syntax: Adjust spawndistance of selected creature to dist.



Syntax: Locate the nearst game object.


.ticket [on|off]

Syntax: [on] Show new tickets, [off] Dont show new tickets.


.addgo [Game Object #I.D]

Syntax. Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current location using the #I.D.


.additem [item #I.D] [#amount]

Syntax: Add a item from items template to your bag or selected players bag. Also Add Amount #


.additemset [#itemsetid]

Syntax: Add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character inventory.

Will add by one example each item from itemset.



Syntax: Enable or Disable Movement For Each Creature



Syntax: Show your bank


.banaccount [Account Name]

Syntax: Ban account name (can be viewed by players by using the .pinfo command) and kick affected players currently logged in.


.banip [#ip]

Syntax: Bans logging into the server from computers with the provided IP address, and kicks all affected players.


.createguild [Guild Name] [Guild Leader Char Name]

Syntax: Create a guild named Guild Name with the player Guild Leader Char Name as leader. ~


Syntax: Cancels Shutdown



Syntax: Does What it Says.


.gameobject [#I.D]

Syntax: Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current position using the [#I.D]


.go [#position_x #position_y #position_z #mapid]

Syntax: Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map.



Syntax: Hover Your Character


.idleshutdown [#delay|cancel]

Syntax: Shut the server down after #delay seconds if no active connections are present (no players) or cancel the shutdown if cancel value is used.



Syntax: .learn all

.learn all_myclass

.learn all_lang

All learns all spells for gm's, all_myclass learns all spells for your class, all_lang learns all languages.


.levelup [1-69]

Syntax: Level Up Your Char With Selected #. To Down levels: .levelup -#


.lookupcreature [name of creature]

Syntax: Looks up a creature by nameofcreature, and returns all matches with their creature ID's.


.lookupitem [item name]

Syntax: Looks up an item by Item name, and returns all matches with their Item ID's.


.lookupobject [object name]

Syntax: Looks up an gameobject by object name, and returns all matches with their Gameobject ID's.


.lookupskill [name]

Syntax: Looks up a skill by name, and returns all matches with their skill ID's.


.lookupspell name

Syntax: Looks up a spell by name, and returns all matches with their spell ID's.



Syntax: Max's All Skills You Have Learned.


.morph [#display I.D]

Syntax: Change your current model id to #display I.D.



Syntax: Respawns All Dead And Alive NPC's, Mobs



Syntax: Revives Selected Player (Brings Back to Life)

.shutdown #seconds

Syntax: Shutdown server


.Security [Player name] [#level]

Syntax: Set the security level of player Player name to a level of #level.

#level may range from 0 to 4.


.wchange [#weathertype] [#status]

Syntax: Set current weather to #weathertype with an intensity of #status.

#weathertype can be 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 3 for sand. #status can be 0 for disabled, and 1 for enabled.


.flymode [on|off]

Syntax: Lets You fly In mid air, to enable type on or to disable type off.

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