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EA a facut publice cerintele de sistem pentru The Sims 3:

PC Desktop

XP (Service Pack 2)

Processor Pentium IV 2.0 GHz / Athlon XP 2000+

Memory 1 GB

Graphics GeForce FX 5900 / Radeon 9500

Graphics Ram 128 MB

Vista (Service Pack 1)

Processor: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz / Athlon XP 2400+

Memory: 1.5 GB

Graphics: GeForce FX 5900 / Radeon 9500

Graphics Ram: 128 MB


XP (Service Pack 2)

Processor: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz / Athlon XP 2400+

Memory: 1.5 GB

Graphics GeForce: Go 6200 / Radeon mobile 9600

Graphics Ram: 128 MB

Vista (Service Pack 1)

Processor Pentium: IV 2.4 GHz / Athlon XP 2400+

Memory: 2.0 GB

Graphics: GeForce Go 6200 / Radeon mobile 9600

Graphics: 128 MB

Cea de-a treia parte a seriei Sims urmeaza a fi lansata pe 20 februarie 2009.

77957659gv6.th.jpg 89691593pw2.th.jpg

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