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Ei bine, nu de mult timp (mai exact, pe 25 Iunie 2009) cei de la Invision Power Board (ipb), au lansat in sfarsit versiunea finala a scriptului cu acelasi nume, Invision Power Board 3.0.0.


We are pleased to announce Invision Power Board 3.0.0 and its Applications have been released.

This is the first supported release of Invision Power Board 3.0.0! We would like to thank everyone who has helped beta test the product so we can release as stable a product as possible today.

    Products Released

  • Invision Power Board 3.0.0

  • Invision Power Gallery 3.0.0

  • Invision Power Blog 2.0.0

  • Invision Power Downloads 2.0.0

  • Invision Power Converge 1.1.0

please note that this is the very first supported release of these products. As with any large software product, it can take several maintenance releases to work out most of the remaining bugs or oddities left in the software which are only discovered when many thousands of installs are done. We had an extensive beta period and a staggered launch of IP.Board 3.0.0 to catch most issues. Initial feedback on 3.0.0's first supported release has been great but, even so, we do expect to have a 3.0.1 release in the next couple weeks.

Cerintele de sistem pot fi vizualizate aici: :link:

As mai putea sa va spun ca, dupa cum era normal, inainte de aparitia variantei finale, au existat si doua RC-uri (Release Candidate), si anume:

  • Invision Power Board 3.0.0 Release Candidate 1: :link:

  • Invision Power Board 3.0.0 Release Candidate 2::link:

Cei de la ipb, ne-au informat ca pretul pentru o licenta standard, va mai fi redus, de la 149.99$ la 129.99$.

IP.Board Standard License Sale

Starting now and ending June 30, 2009 at 5:00 pm EDT the price of an IP.Board Standard License will be reduced from $149.99 to $129.99 for all new orders. The 6-month renewal price will remain the same.

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