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Ei bine, a aparut un nou plugin, pentru metamod, si anume dproto (dproto este un plugin metamod care permite conexiuni pe server de la utilizatorii de CS Protocol 47 + 48).

Folosind acest plugin:

  • Serverul apare cu succes la Internet si Favorites
  • Arata iconitele jucatorilor cu STEAM.
  • Functioneaza cu ultima versiune de swds.dll

Download dproto 0.3.0: :link:

* Rezolvat bugul cu coruptia steamid-ului pentru unii clienti non-steam

Download dproto 0.2.9: :link:

* Adaugata comanda dp_clientinfo care poate fi folosita pentru a afla informatii despre protocolul clientului. Citeste Readme.txt si folderul amxx pentru mai multe informatii.

Download dproto 0.2.8: :link:

!!! Pentru ca plugin-ul sa mearga, trebuie ca serverul vostru sa fie, actualizat la protocolul 48 (STEAM only).

[Tutorial aici: ]


Start -> Run -> CMD -> Intrati in folderul vostru unde este instalat serverul si dati urmatoarea comanda:

hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game cstrike -dir . -verify_all
Dupa ce ati descarcat dproto 0.2.8, de mai sus, intrati in HLDS/cstrike/addons/, si creati un folder numit "dproto" Copiati dproto.dll din arhiva (dproto/bin/windows) in HLDS/csrike/addons/dproto/ Intrati in HLDS/cstrike/addons/metamod/, deschideti plugins.ini si adaugati:
win32   addons\dproto\dproto.dll

Intrati in HLDS si copiati din arhiva fisierul dproto.cfg, in HLDS/cstrike

!!! Daca aveti setat la parametrii -nomaster, trebuie sa il stergeti, pluginul se va conecta automat la serverele STEAM.

!!! !!! Daca folosesti setinfo _nume_personalizat (spre exemplu, setinfo _wtk) pentru log-area adminilor trebuie neaparat modificat din cstrike/dproto.cfg linia:

- ValidInfoFields_Engine = \name\bottomcolor\topcolor\model\cl_lc\cl_lw\cl_updaterate\cl_dlmax\rate\_pw\*hltv\password

In loc de _pw modifici cu ce vrei tu!

english.gif ENGLISH VERSION:

Q: What is dproto?

A: Dproto was made as replace for cbooster on double-protocoling solutions area. dproto designed to work for new p.48 HLDS, so all steam features can be used with it. Dproto has one primary goal - to allow old clients to join new servers, all another features are secondary and they were added by users requests. Also note, that dproto is not an emulator, so dont wait unique steamid generation methods. If you want this - use server-side emulators (revEmu for exmaple).

Q: How to install dproto?



1. Go to <gamedir>/addons/ and make new directory named dproto

<gamedir> - its a game directory; cstrike for Counter-Strike, valve for Half-Life, etc

2. Copy dproto.dll or dproto_i386.so to <gamedir>/addons/dproto/

3. Go to metamod installation directory (usually its <gamedir>/addons/metamod/) and edit plugins.ini:

add this line for windows

win32 addons\dproto\dproto.dll

or this for linux

linux addons/dproto/dproto_i386.so

at the beginning of the file

4. Copy dproto.cfg to server root or gamedir.

5. Start the server. You should use this command on linux:

./hlds_run -binary ./hlds_i686

when server loads, type "meta list" in console. You'll see something like this:

Currently loaded plugins:

description stat pend file vers src load unlod

[ 1] dproto RUN - dproto_i386.so v0.2.6 ini Start Never

[ 2] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386. v1.8.1.3 ini Start ANY

2 plugins, 2 running

6. Enjoy

Q: I installed dproto, but it does not work. meta list says this:

Code: Select all | Line number On/Off | Expand/Contract

Currently loaded plugins:

description stat pend file vers src load unlod

[ 1] dproto fail load dproto_i386.so v0.2.6 ini Start Never

A: Start server with -console +log on +mp_logecho 1 parameters and look through console output. You'll find the reason there.

Q: AmxModX admins could not authorize using their password.

A: Just replace _pw in dproto.cfg:


ValidInfoFields_Engine = \name\bottomcolor\topcolor\model\cl_lc\cl_lw\cl_updaterate\cl_dlmax\rate\_pw\*hltv\password

to field that you using for keep admin password.

Q: I dont see my server in steam favorites!

A: Set ServerInfoAnswerType to 0 or 2 in dproto.cfg

Q: My server is invisible in favorites in cs v24!

A: Set ServerInfoAnswerType to 1 or 2 in dproto.cfg

Q: How to make my server visible both in old no steam clients and steam?

A: Set ServerInfoAnswerType to 2 in dproto.cfg

Q: I'm getting "Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket(server was

unable to contact the authentication server)" error when playing on legit client.

Q: Bans for legit SteamID do not work. Users with banned IDs are able to play on server.

A: Your server can't conect/lost connection to steam servers. I dont know universal method to check connection to steam servers (if someone know it - pls tell me). If you have VAC secured server, use stat command. If it shows version as "insecure" or "insecure (secure mode enabled, disconnected from Steam3)" it means that connection to steam servers lost. This problem is not related to dproto, but i can give some tips to fix it:

1. Check if outgoing TCP connections are allowed to destination port 27030

2. Check if outgoing UDP datagrams are allowed from local ports 2690x

3. If you using linux, you should add +ip <server ip> parameter to command line. I'm using +ip for example and it works fine.

Succes ! :pct2:

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