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You reached 305 points, so you achieved position 124 of 1532 on the ranking list

You type 448 characters per minute

You have 83 correct words and

you have 5 wrong words

Asta fiind din prima ... daca stau sa ma incalezesc putin ... :))


Am facut 85 dar am uitat sa salvez img. :( .Asta e dupa a 5-6 incercare :)).(Depinde si cat de lungi sunt cuvintele care iti vin...)






You reached 188 points, so you achieved position 686 of 1567 on the ranking list

You type 311 characters per minute

You have 53 correct words and

you have 3 wrong words

prima incercare..ar trebui sa mai exersez totusi :))

love is a verb
Love is a doing word


You reached 199 points, so you achieved position 749 of 1992 on the ranking list

You type 274 characters per minute

You have 52 correct words and

you have 2 wrong words

prima incercare ... :)

Ca romanu' nu-i nici unu,unde-s multi, putea fi unul.


  • 4 months later...

You reached 468 points, so you achieved position 60 of 23120 on the ranking list

You type 591 characters per minute

You have 114 correct words and

you have 0 wrong words

Eu scriu 114 de cuvinte pe minut :D (poate se putea si mai bine)

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

You reached 277 points, so you achieved position 2831 of 16502 on the ranking list

You type 408 characters per minute

You have 73 correct words and

you have 0 wrong words

  • 9 months later...

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