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Cum pot sa creez un alt user pe windows, dar in asa fel incat acel user sa para ca are windows nou?

De exemplu, eu pe contu meu "Admin" am toata muzica, programe, etc.

Pe alt cont "Nou" sa nu apara nimic in afara de windows?

Se poate fara sa fie nevoit sa instalez un al 2lea windows?

love is a verb
Love is a doing word

Posted (edited)

Se poate fara sa fie necesara instalarea unui nou Windows.

Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Create a new account -> Numele contului pe care vrei sa-l creezi -> Limited Account

Nu sunt sigur ca astia sunt toti pasii pe care trebuie sa-i faci, parca imi aduc aminte ca ar mai trebui ceva, ma uit si revin cu un mesaj.

Arunca un ochi si aici:

Edited by gaby
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Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Create a new account -> Numele contului pe care vrei sa-l creezi -> Limited Account

Inca apar fisierele mele.. Nu vreau ca ele sa apara si in acel cont

M-am jucat nitel cu informatiile din celalalt post,dar nu am reusit nimic.( recunosc, nici nu prea inteleg mare lucru de acolo..)

love is a verb
Love is a doing word


Daca ai Windows-ul original, poti incerca cu: Shared Computer Toolkit ( http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457129.aspx )


Daca nu e original, nu incerca ca s-ar putea ca Windows Genuine Advantage, sa-ti faca probleme.

If prompted, first validate your copy of Windows XP through Windows Genuine Advantage.

Un program cu care poti interzice o gramada de lucruri, este 1st Security Agent, dar din pacate nu este gratuit, vezi totusi daca ai de unde sa-l "cumperi". Uite ce poate face: http://www.softheap.com/how-to/user_restrictions.html (vezi Explorer [mai in josul paginii], pentru partea care iti trebuie tie).

Uite si o discutie interesanta care poate te ajuta:

I was wondering if it is possible to make the "My Documents" Folder Private so all other accounts on my computer will not be able to access this folder?

I run Windows XP Home Edition.

Thankyou Very Much for your Help and Expertise

Yes you can restrict other accounts from accessing your my documents provided that the hard disk has been formatted with the NTFS file system. to check if you hard disk is formatted with the NTFS file system, Click on my computer and then single click on the C drive, you should be able to see drive related information like how much space is free and what kind of file system it is using.

If your computers hard drive is formatted using NTFS then you can make your my document folder private by following these instructions

Open My Computer.

Double-click the drive where Windows is installed (usually drive (C :), unless you have more than one drive on your computer).

Double-click the Documents and Settings folder.

Double-click your user folder.

Right-click on my documents folder in your user profile, and then click Properties.

On the Sharing tab, select the Make this folder private so that only I have access to it check box.

This will make the folder only accessible to you.

For more in-depth information you can click on help and support from the start menu and search for ??€?

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Scuze de double post, nu vad butonul cu edit =))

Ca tot timpul, microsoft mo lasat lat =))

Da, face ceea ce trebuie, insa are si bube.

Setez ce doresc sa faca, dau log off. Vad ca e bine, intru inapoi pe contu meu si ZBUF: programe care leam pus sa NU porneasca la startup imi pornesc, unele culori nu imi apar bine(de ex unde era butonu EDIT am o bara neagra).

Cand aleg utilizatorul, am imaginea accea ca la win98, nu aceea in care tre sa dai click pe utilizatorul corect. Eh, am dezinstalat programul si dupa ce fac compu ca inainte o sa incerc si cealalta metoda :P

love is a verb
Love is a doing word

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