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Coduri Dragon Age: Origins - Trainer / Cheat Codes

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Dati click dreapta pe iconita Dragon Age: Origins (aflata pe Desktop) si adaugati in la sfarsitul campului Target: -enabledeveloperconsole. In timpul jocului apasati "~", pentru a afisa consola, dupa care introduceti codul dorit, din lista de mai jos:


Add the " -enabledeveloperconsole" command line parameter to end of the "Target" field in the "Shortcut" properties that are used to launch the game. Press [~] during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Note: You will not see what is being typed and you may need to press [Backspace] to remove the "`" character if it is present in the console window.

runscript addxp # - Add indicated amount of experience points.

runscript zz_money # - Add indicated amount of copper.

runscript pc_immortal - Invulnerability.

runscript zz_addparty [NPCname] - Add party member by name.

runscript zz_addapproval X YY - Add to a companion approval rating, X = companion, YY = Amount.

runscript addtalent # - Adds the talent or spell corresponding to the number to your character.

runscript zz_addparty - Allows player to break the party companion limit.

runscript healplayer - Heals player/party.

runscript killallhostiles - Kills all hositle creatures in area.

runscript bowlingforferelden - Knocks back enemies and forms a shield around you.

runscript chargen - Origin screen.

runscript selectparty - Party select screen.

runscript zz_dropparty - Removes entire party.

runscript removetalent xxx - Removes the talent with the ID = xxx from the character personal profile.

runscript zz_talk_nearest - Talk to nearest NPC.

runscript zz_pre_strategy - Teleports player and party to Duncan's fire in Ostagar.

runscript zz_pre_demo2 - Teleports player and party to Ostagar.

runscript ai off - Turns off AI.

runscript wizard - Turns you into a Level 2 Mage.

runscript rogue - Turns you into a level 2 Rogue.

runscript warrior - Turns you into a Level 2 Warrior.


Instructiunile de folosire, se gasesc in arhive !

Trainer 1: :link:

Trainer 2: :link:

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  • 2 weeks later...


spune-mi te rog cum reusesc sa fac modificarea aia la shortcut ( cea cu "-enabledeveloperconsole") pentru ca eu nu reusesc caci imi da imi permanenta eroarea: The name "E:\Joace\Dragon Age Origins\DAOriginsLauncher.exe -enabledeveloperconsole" specified in the Target box is not valid. Make sure the path and file name are correct.

ce as putea sa fac?


In casuta din dreptul Target trebuie sa ai:

"E:\Joace\Dragon Age Origins\DAOriginsLauncher.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole

!!! -enabledeveloperconsole trebuie scris inafara ghilimelelor.

sal la patch 1.01b nu merge -enabledeveloperconsole

cum fac sa merga parolele la 1.01b stie cineva


sal mane ce scrie aici:

Add the " -enabledeveloperconsole" command line parameter to end of the "Target" field in the "Shortcut" properties that are used to launch the game. Press [~] during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Note: You will not see what is being typed and you may need to press [backspace] to remove the "`" character if it is present in the console window.

runscript addxp # - Add indicated amount of experience points.

runscript zz_money # - Add indicated amount of copper.

runscript pc_immortal - Invulnerability.

runscript zz_addparty [NPCname] - Add party member by name.

runscript zz_addapproval X YY - Add to a companion approval rating, X = companion, YY = Amount.

runscript addtalent # - Adds the talent or spell corresponding to the number to your character.

runscript zz_addparty - Allows player to break the party companion limit.

runscript healplayer - Heals player/party.

runscript killallhostiles - Kills all hositle creatures in area.

runscript bowlingforferelden - Knocks back enemies and forms a shield around you.

runscript chargen - Origin screen.

runscript selectparty - Party select screen.

runscript zz_dropparty - Removes entire party.

runscript removetalent xxx - Removes the talent with the ID = xxx from the character personal profile.

runscript zz_talk_nearest - Talk to nearest NPC.

runscript zz_pre_strategy - Teleports player and party to Duncan's fire in Ostagar.

runscript zz_pre_demo2 - Teleports player and party to Ostagar.

runscript ai off - Turns off AI.

runscript wizard - Turns you into a Level 2 Mage.

runscript rogue - Turns you into a level 2 Rogue.

runscript warrior - Turns you into a Level 2 Warrior.

e pentru versiunea 1.0 nu pt 1.01a sau 1.01b


Scrie exact asta:

Dati click dreapta pe iconita Dragon Age: Origins (aflata pe Desktop) si adaugati in la sfarsitul campului Target: -enabledeveloperconsole. In timpul jocului apasati "~", pentru a afisa consola, dupa care introduceti codul dorit, din lista de mai jos:


runscript addxp # - Add indicated amount of experience points

Pentru a-ti adauga 5000 puncte de experienta scrii:

runscript addxp 5000

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