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Coduri Torchlight - Trainer / Cheat Codes

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Descarcati trainer-ul dorit pentru Torchlight de mai jos:


  • Trainer Torchlight: :link: or :link:
  • Trainer Torchlight v1.12: :link:
  • Trainer Torchlight v1.2: :link:

Informatii comenzi trainer:

No hotkeys for this release, sorry. You will need to ALT+TAB after the main menu to alter the properties.

All Items Free / Gain More Gold

- This will allow you to buy ANYTHING without losing any gold. Also as a bonus, when you sell an item you will get more than displayed.

Infinite Item Usage

- This lets you use all stackable items without losing any after use. In other words, infinite items (stackable only).

Max Items On Pickup

- This will max out any item when picked up, works for all items. You can also go into inventory and move an item for the same effect.

No Skill Cooldown

- This allows you to use any skill repeatedly without waiting for the cooldown timer.

Instant Fish Catch

- This will keep the circle during fishing in the middle, allowing you to quickly catch fish.

Never Cheater Status

- This enables you to use any console command without being branded a cheater. You can also use the shared stash after spawning items.

Instructiunile de utilizare sunt afisate dupa rularea trainerului, sau in fisierul de tip ReadMe din interiorul arhivei.

Lista coduri folosibile, fara Trainer:

Cheat Mode

To activate the console you will have to change the settings file. Go into: "My computer\ C:\ Documents and Settings\ User(mines Admin for example)\ Application Data\ Runic Games\ Torchlight" and open the "Settings.txt" txt file using Notepad (make a backup first). At the bottom of the file you will see "Console :0". Change the 0 to a 1 and save the file.

Now, while in game press [shift]+[~] key to pull up the console and enter the following codes:

CLS - Clears Console History.

Disablepet - disables/enables player's pet.

Belt - Displays a list of all the belts in the game (to get specific piece follow above examples).

Boots - Displays a list of all the boots in the game (to get specific piece follow above examples).

Chest armor - Displays a list of all the chest armor in the game (to get specific piece follow above examples).

Fish - Displays a list of all the fish in the game (to get specific item follow above examples).

Socketable - Displays a list of all the gems in the game (to get specific item follow above examples).

Gloves - Displays a list of all the gloves in the game (to get specific piece follow above examples).

Helmet - Displays a list of all the helmets in the game (Type helmet # to give the helmet designated to that index number).

Potion - Displays a list of all the potions in the game (to get specific item follow above examples).

Scroll - Displays a list of all the scrolls in the game (to get specific item follow above examples).

Shoulder Armor - Displays a list of all the shoulder armor in the game (to get specific piece follow above examples).

Spell - Displays a list of all the spells in the game (to get specific item follow above examples).

Money # - gives money in the amount entered.

Skill Name/# - Gives skill of the name and # entered (to get skill list just type "SKILL" without parenthasis).

Skillpoints # - Gives skillpoints.

Statpoints # - Gives statpoints in amount entered.

Strength # - Gives strength.

Item Index#,count - Gives you item and quantity entered (example - Axe 16,5 /this will give me the Axe in the 15th index slot and it will produce 5 of them).

Ascend - Goes down a floor.

Descend - Goes up a floor.

Trinket - Displays a list of all the trinkets in the game (Type trinket # to get the trinket designated to that number).

Weapon - Displays a list of all the weapons in the game. You can break it down further by typing "Axe", or "Rifle" and it will list those only. works for all w.

Difficulty - Displays current game difficulty.

NoXP - Gain no more XP.

Allstats # - Gives amount entered in all stats.

Defense # - Gives Defense.

Dexterity # - Gives Dexterity.

Fame # - Gives fame in amount entered.

Help - Gives list of all console commands.

Magic # - Gives Magic.

Identifyall - identifies all items in the inventory (as of right now doesnt work for items in pet inventory).

Levelup - increases XP to next level.

KIllall - Kills all Monsters.

Quests - lists all quests.

Resetskills - reset players skills.

Resetstats - Reset players statpoints.

Resetplayerlevel - Resets players level to 1.

Playernotarget - makes monsters not target the player.

Alwayscrit - Player always gets critical hits.

Reload - Reloads textures.

Resetpetlevel - reset pets level to 1.

Resetplayer - Resets players level, skills, and stats.

Restartlevel - restarts the current level.

Room - Returns the room the player is currently in.

Questcomplete - set quest to complete.

Questactive - sets a quest to active.

Cameradistance # - Sets Camera distance(WARNING - Number endered is the Multiplier for the distance).

Setdifficulty # - Sets game difficulty.

Setpetlevel # - Sets pet level to number entered.

FPS - Shows Framerate and other info.

Speed - Toggles additional speed for the character.

Godspeed - Toggles both God and Speed mode.

Combatlog - Toggles combat log.

God - Toggles Godmode.

AIFreeze - Toggles moster AI.

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