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Astazi, cei de la 2K Games (producatorii jocului Mafia II) au anuntat aparitia celui de al 2-lea DLC pentru jocul Mafia II. Acesta se numeste Jimmy’s Vendetta si va contine: 30 de misiuni noi, un gameplay arcade-style, leaderboard ranking si un nou protagonist: Jimmy. DLC-ul va aparea pe data de 7 Septembrie 2010 pe platformele PC, Xbox 360 si Playstation 3 la pretul de 9.99 dolari/800 Microsoft Points.

Mafia II DLC: Jimmy's Vendetta pe Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/50145/


Iata si povestea DLC-ului:

Jimmy’s Vendetta takes players into an alternate perspective of the mob through the eyes of Jimmy, the guy the other guys call when they need to finish the job. Players will get their hands dirty helping Jimmy clean up other people’s messes as they deal with the Italian and Irish mobsters that reside in Empire Bay. As players progress, a slew of new quests are unlocked, including assassination and timed vehicle pursuits ending in dramatic shootouts and explosive car chases. Execute with deadly head shots or charged explosives, and rack up points for precision-timed vehicular power slides, lofty jumps, and supercharged velocity. Multipliers and combos add bonus points to overall scores that will be immediately posted to thenew online leaderboard system, providing extensive re-playability as players work to rise to the top of the ranks.




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