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Google Nu Mai Indexeaza Paginile Noi De 3 Zile

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Detinatorii de site-uri, probabil au observat ca de cateva zile, mai exact 3, Google nu mai indexeaza paginile noi. Inclusiv http://pctroubleshooting.ro se loveste de aceasta problema. Ieri a inceput sa-si mai revina dar inca dureaza foarte mult indexarea. As vrea sa va informez prin intermediul acestui thread ca problema este generala/website-urile dumneavoastra nu au fost penalizate; chiar si TechCrunch, Mashable si un blog Google se confrunta cu aceasta problema.


Se pare ca va urma un nou update dupa acest weekend, conform JohnMu de la Google:

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to provide a short update. This issue should be resolved soon, but it will take a several days for everything to catch up and for these changes to be visible. I'll provide another update after the weekend.

In the meantime, there's no need to make any changes on your side. Content from your sites will continue to be indexed during this time (though perhaps at the moment not as quickly as before in some cases).

Thank you for your patience and for all the feedback!



Mai multe detalii puteti citii pe: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Webmasters/thread?tid=7908355c3d1637e8&hl=en | http://www.alexdumitru.com/718-google-stopped-indexing-many-blogs-2-days-ago.html si http://www.amitbhawani.com/blog/google-index-problem-search-rankings-oct-2010/

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Am citit postul tau si imediat am verificat daca sunt indexate ultimele posturi de pe site-ul meu, si din cate vad nu sunt probleme.

Astept cu interes noul update de PR. Chiar sunt curios cat voi primi.

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