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Everything posted by Motorola

  1. 10 (neatza)
  2. 12 ( care va uitati la wrestling? )
  3. 14 (hey gaby what the f***)
  4. 12 ( good inca una... pardon unu )
  5. 16 (corect )
  6. 18 (eu? nu)
  7. 18 ( e bine )
  8. 20 (are ceva daca ma pus bannarele in semnatura?)
  9. 20 (gaby esti cam singur )
  10. 22 (we are the winner )
  11. 18 (hai sa nu abuzam )
  12. reanimare
  13. Reinstalezi jocul si gata
  14. rautate
  15. 24 (bine )
  16. 40 (da iar ii batem )
  17. 2 (mai lasa-i, ca se termina jocu )
  18. 6 (ii batem sau ii mai lasam)
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