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b0gdan last won the day on October 29 2013

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  1. Imagini cu PlayStation 4 http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2013/11/ps4-gallery/ Unboxing si teardown PlayStation 4 http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2013/11/playstation4-teardown-video/
  2. Nu cred ca vei gasi un sistem brand (Dell, Lenovo, HP etc) configurat pentru gaming si care sa se incadreze in suma de 2500 lei. Poti gasi sisteme configurate cum ar fi http://www.pcgarage.ro/sisteme-pc-garage/pc-garage/gaming-adventure-intel-i5-4440-4gb-ddr3-500-gb-hdd-wi-fi/ sau poti sa iti alegi componentele si sa ti se construiasca sistemul http://www.pcgarage.ro/servicii/pc-garage/asamblare-standard/ http://info.emag.ro/comanda-si-livrarea/38 Cred ca si alte firme au aceasta optiune.
  3. Odin este un soft de service, pentru cei mai multi utilizatori este recomandat sa foloseasca KIES Tutoriale KIES http://www.samsung.com/ro/support/usefulsoftware/KIESTUTORIAL/JSP
  4. Windows 8.1 Pro Student - 255 Lei pentru studenti http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/mseea1/ro_RO/pdp/productID.288683400 termeni si conditii pentru oferta http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/mseea1/ro_RO/html/pbPage.StudentStoreTermsandConditions si Windows 8.1 gratuit pentru organizatile non-profit http://blogs.technet.com/b/microsoftupblog/archive/2013/11/05/windows-8-1-now-available-for-nonprofits.aspx pagina pentru Romania https://www.techsoup.ro
  5. Ar fi bine sa contactezi magazinul de unde l-ai achizitionat sau un service Acer http://www.acer.ro/ac/ro/RO/content/service-centers
  6. Imagini cu prototipul Steam Machine http://www.engadget.com/2013/11/04/valve-steam-machine-hands-on/ http://www.theverge.com/2013/11/4/5063760/we-try-the-steam-machine-valves-video-game-console-of-the-future
  7. Apropiat de hackaday este si http://hackedgadgets.com alte site-uri http://arstechnica.com http://www.theverge.com http://www.engadget.com http://newlaunches.com
  8. Debifeaza "Time to display list of operating systems"
  9. Pe site-ul in romana gasesti un patch pentru FIFA08 https://ro.hama.com/00062860/hama-usb-gamepad-black-force pe site-ul german sunt si pentru FIFA09 https://de.hama.com/portal?showSearchDetails=NO&q=FIFA09&action=1026&type=3&searchMode=1
  10. Dintre avantajele unui ecran curbat "It substantially improves screen readability, image contrast, color accuracy, and overall picture quality, but can also increase the running time on battery because the screen brightness and display power can be lowered due to the reduced light interference from ambient light reflections." http://www.displaymate.com/Galaxy_Round_ShootOut_1.htm
  11. Gasesti manualul de service pe pagina Dell ftp://ftp.dell.com/manuals/all-products/esuprt_laptop/esuprt_precision_mobile/precision-m4400_Service%20Manual_en-us.pdf Citeste sectiunea Dispaly Assembly si verifica daca toti conectorii sunt ok
  12. Poti seta din System Properties - Startup and Recovery
  13. Daca ai instalat un alt antivirus, s-ar putea sa aiba nevoie de mai mult timp pentru a il scana.
  14. Modelul de 10 inch are si o versiune cu stocare de 32 GB http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/tablets/ideatab/yoga/yoga-10/#techspecs
  15. Battlefield 4 rewiew http://www.polygon.com/2013/10/29/5040656/battlefield-4-review si o comparatie PS4, Xbox One, PC http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-battlefield-4-next-gen-vs-pc-face-off-preview
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