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Ce zici , s - ar merita ?
Specificatii Tehnice Nexus 6 Dezvaluite In Teste Benchmark
+FML replied to gaby's topic in Mobile si comunicatii
Că veni vorba ... Pe Youtube am văzut o dată Metin 2 pe o tabletă [ nu vreau să fac reclamă la tipul ei ] . Să fi fost faza cu mașina virtuală de Linux sau ceva gen , ori Team Viewer , un alt soft asemănător , deci fake ? Că altfel nu văd de ce zic ăștia de la NVIDIA că platformele mobile o să le depășească pe cele actuale ... -
Specificatii Tehnice Nexus 6 Dezvaluite In Teste Benchmark
+FML replied to gaby's topic in Mobile si comunicatii
Păi se duce repede la cât consumă componentele alea . P . S : Există miliarde de apps - uri , cum adică ce faci cu el ? Într - un fel , și îmi mențin părerea , tel . astea au încercat mereu să fie un mini - tablet PC [ că tot zicea SoDas mai sus de gama Note ] De fapt , cam poți face pe ele , ce faci și pe un PC ... acum depinde ... nu vrei sa ți un server de C . S cu el , nu ? -
Mai exact pe iOS si Android . Scrie și în titlu
Specificatii Tehnice Nexus 6 Dezvaluite In Teste Benchmark
+FML replied to gaby's topic in Mobile si comunicatii
Merită fiecare bănuț . -
Cam care ar fi acest Custom ROM ?
Specificatii Tehnice Nexus 6 Dezvaluite In Teste Benchmark
+FML replied to gaby's topic in Mobile si comunicatii
Nu vad eu bine sau are 3 GB RAM si un CPU de 3 Ghz ? -
Great one , Ed ... Great one ! = = = Don't
You can make your own flag counter here : http://s06.flagcounter.com/ . Answer given , thread closed !
Updated for : '' Do you like french stuff ? '' at his request . Anyway ... I like the French desert ... Oh ... that croissants ...
Propunere Adaugare Sectiune In Engleza Pe Forum
+FML replied to +FML's topic in Bug-uri, sugestii & feedback
Am renunțat la joculețele forumiste de pe secțiune aceasta . -
1 zi și jumătate - Stau cu WiFi , Sync , GPS pornite mereu + luminozitate 100 % Daca mai pun la socoteala ca e mereu un '' music player '' si o '' mini consola '' , e binisor .
Propunere Adaugare Sectiune In Engleza Pe Forum
+FML replied to +FML's topic in Bug-uri, sugestii & feedback
Bun , bun da' cand se rezolva ? -
- Maxime ... Welcome ! - GOH ... I must say I'm not into my good days , but not as so poor as you said . I appreciate this kind of help you've just did in your last post . Keep it up and be happy . I can't end this one ! INDILA - Tu ne m'endends pas
- Courage , Dan - You're both right . P . S - When I say '' music '' I say '' at least a discography '' . I just want few songs per post . Right now , I listen : Marlon Roudette - When The Beat Drops Out Rudimental - Waiting All Night Indila - Comme un bateau
Propunere Adaugare Sectiune In Engleza Pe Forum
+FML replied to +FML's topic in Bug-uri, sugestii & feedback
Am observat si eu asta . La inceput aparea ... si dintr - o data *poof* -
Which one ? Me : The Wanted - Glow In The Dark
Propunere Adaugare Sectiune In Engleza Pe Forum
+FML replied to +FML's topic in Bug-uri, sugestii & feedback
Nu credeam ca suna asa urat . După cum puteți vedea , cineva de alta naționalitate nu a ezitat să ni se alăture . Sper ca îl vom primi cu bratele deschise . = > http://pctroubleshooting.ro/user/33459-maxime-sanchis/ . -
Propunere Adaugare Sectiune In Engleza Pe Forum
+FML replied to +FML's topic in Bug-uri, sugestii & feedback
Cred ca te referi la cea cu Google Translate , te înțeleg . Vorbesc cu japonezi , englezi , francezi , portughezi etc . - Skype . -
Propunere Adaugare Sectiune In Engleza Pe Forum
+FML replied to +FML's topic in Bug-uri, sugestii & feedback
Aparent , regulamentul forumului este urias , de aceea am recurs la aceasta metoda . Ca in majoritatea cazurilor , traduc pe cont propriu , cum scrie la carte , ca sa spun asa , desi vad ca unii au ceva de obiectat la adresa competentelor mele , fapt pentru care ma gandesc sa renunt la privilegiul de a conduce aceasta sectiune si sa o dau pe mana lui Dan sau Gaby , singurii care se implica cu adevarat sa ma sustina si NU sa ma critice . ## Is easy to be a hater . Help and you will receive help back . -
Propunere Adaugare Sectiune In Engleza Pe Forum
+FML replied to +FML's topic in Bug-uri, sugestii & feedback
E mai mult o sub - categorie decât o secțiune , dar este bine și așa pentru început . -
I'm sure you're asking yourself what exactly is Overclocking and why is it so used , along with Underclocking , an other well known procces in the domain . Well , my opinion is not that important so I will explain what both of them really are . Overclocking is the process of making a computer or component operate faster than the clock frequency specified by the manufacturer by modifying system parameters (hence the name "overclocking"). Operating voltages may also be changed (increased), which can increase the speed at which operation remains stable. Most overclocking techniques increase power consumption, generating more heat, which must be dispersed if the chip is to remain operational The purpose of overclocking is to increase the operating speed of given hardware. The trade-offs are an increase in power consumption and fan noise, the system can become unstable if the equipment is overclocked too much, and the risk of damage due to excessive overvoltage or heat generation. In extreme cases, costly and complex cooling (e.g.,water-cooling) is required. Conversely, underclocking trades off slower operation to reduce power consumption and temperature, cooling requirements (and therefore the number and speed of fans, allowing quiet operation) and, where relevant, increase battery life per charge. Some manufacturers underclock components of battery-powered equipment to improve battery life or implement systems that reduce the frequency when operating under battery. On a large number of newer Intel CPUs (those without unlocked multipliers), because of the CPU's drastic redesign (that is, the replacement of the FSB with the base clock), overclocking - if even possible - comes with high risk of system instability. Undervolting is possible to some extent (depending on motherboard design and CPU quality) and may allow a user to turn a standard voltage CPU into a low voltage CPU without having to pay more, and not be restricted by low voltage CPU's low multiplier. The speed gained by overclocking depends largely upon the application; benchmarks for different purposes are published. Many people overclock their hardware to improve its performance. This is practiced more by enthusiasts than professional users seeking an increase in the performance of their computers, as overclocking carries risks of less reliable functioning and damage. There are several purposes for overclocking. Overclocking allows testing over-the-horizon technologies that available component specifications are not capable of, without having to enter the expensive realm of specialized computing. For professional users, overclocking improves professional personal computing capacity, therefore allowing improved productivity. Hobbyists may enjoy building, tuning, and comparison racing their systems with standardized benchmark software. Some hobbyists purchase less expensive computer components and overclock to higher clock rates in an attempt to save money but achieve the same performance. A similar but slightly different approach to cost saving is overclocking outdated components to keep pace with new system requirements, rather than purchasing new hardware. If the overclocking stresses equipment to the point of failure, little is lost as it is fully depreciated, and would have needed to be replaced in any case. Computer components that may be overclocked include processors (CPU), video cards, motherboard chipsets, and RAM. Most modern CPUs increase their effective operating speeds by multiplying the system clock frequency by a factor (the CPU multiplier). CPUs can be overclocked by manipulating the CPU multiplier, and the CPU and other components can be overclocked by increasing the speed of the system clock (external clock) or other clocks (such as a front-side bus (FSB) clock). As clock speeds are increased components will ultimately stop operating reliably, or fail permanently, even if voltages are increased to maximum safe levels. The maximum speed is determined by overclocking beyond the point of instability, then accepting a slightly lower setting. Components are guaranteed to operate correctly up to their rated values; beyond there different samples may have different overclocking potential. CPU multipliers, bus dividers, voltages, thermal loads, cooling techniques and several other factors such as individual semiconductor clock and thermal tolerances can affect the speed, stability, and safe operation of the computer. via: WikiPedia Those two have their advantages and consequences [ in my opinion ] : OVERCLOCKING : Advantages - Faster clock speed - > Better performance . Disadvantages - Overheating , Lower health of the component . UNDERCLOCKING : Advantages - A more stable system . Disadvantages - Lower clock speed -> Lower performance .
Problema Aplicatii Android: Aplicatia Nu Este Instalata
+FML replied to Bogdy Fcsb's topic in Android
Posibilitatea actualizării sistemului de operare Android a fost discutata aici : . Urmează pașii respectivi . -
Propunere Adaugare Sectiune In Engleza Pe Forum
+FML replied to +FML's topic in Bug-uri, sugestii & feedback
Mă bucur să aud asta . Aștept să intre Gaby să - mi dea verdictul . -
Problema Aplicatii Android: Aplicatia Nu Este Instalata
+FML replied to Bogdy Fcsb's topic in Android
Încearcă . La mine a fost benefică .