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Temperatura Normala Sapphire 6850 Toxic?
+FML replied to ChromePlay's topic in Placi Video / Audio / Retea
Asa scrie in Manual ... [ User Guide ] ... Bine , nu - i exagerat de toxica [ rather toxic ] ... doar ca ma avertizeaza ca in caz ca , sa nu ma apuc eu sa o desfac dupa ci sa o duc la un service ... Defapt daca - l desfac eamana substanta ... ori , cred ca se desface si singur la temperature mari ... -
E Bun Serioux Edge V2 Pentru Gaming?
+FML replied to Giuliano ' #'s topic in Configurare / Depanare PC
Poate ne explici si de ce ma rog s - ar intampla faza spusa de tine ... ? -
Temperatura Normala Sapphire 6850 Toxic?
+FML replied to ChromePlay's topic in Placi Video / Audio / Retea
Ex . = Placa mea de baza are un locas confectionat dintr - un material emanator [ la intalnirea temperaturilor > 80 *C ] al unei substante chimice toxice . S - ar putea sa fie cazaul de ce zice Gaby , cu pasta ... dar nu vedeau cei din service ? -
Cpu Fan Error Press F1 To Continue
+FML replied to Alexandru C.'s topic in Placi de baza / Memorii / Procesoare
http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-1983884/cpu-fan-error-press-continue.html -
Temperatura Normala Sapphire 6850 Toxic?
+FML replied to ChromePlay's topic in Placi Video / Audio / Retea
Uhm ... Generalist vorbind ... 100*C e temperatura de topire a unui metal/nemetal [ minima - mai depinde si de tipul materialului ] . Asa si mie imi arata la CPU 100*C si nu simit miros de ars [ daca nici tu , e vina senzorului de pe placa de baza ] . -
Tipic romanesc ...
Problema Bzzz Si Bluescreen Calculator In Jocuri Si Filme
+FML replied to +Gorkem's topic in Configurare / Depanare PC
Trimite dump - urile la MS . Inainte sa faci asta , cam de cand [ si dupa ce ] a inceput sa - ti faca problema asta ?Ziceai ca nu face mereu [ cateodata nu , cateodata da ] ... Nu - i ceva ce se leaga in toate acele cazuri cand iti da BlueScreen ?In urma unor cateva astfel de BSOD - uri , verifica dump - urile si vezi daca seamana si cea mai infima informatie ...Restore / Refresh daca faci , ramane problema ?PC - ul e foarte OK , de ce nu treci pe 8 . 1 ? Uhm ... Faza e ca W7 a iesit din Mainstream si ma gandesc , si daca trimiti cele de mai sus la Microsoft , s - ar putea sa n - ai noroc .Eu tot as merge pe un Upgrade [ macar la 8 daca nu 8.1 ] . -
Da - le de stire sa vezi ce - ti raspund .
De ce nu ? La mine deja - i preinstalata .
Google Voice Search ?
Eu as da vina pe ei . [ Yahoo ] .
Spune - i profesorului . Nu te mananca .
Si cu toate astea ... cam bantuit blog - ul ...
Nu pare a fi .
Ever since Microsoft first unveiled Cortana as part of Windows Phone 8.1, there's been speculation that the company might bring its digital 'personal assistant' to other operating systems. Indeed, it has seemed almost inevitable, given Microsoft's growing focus on making its products and services available across multiple platforms. In November, Microsoft's chief experience officer and former head of Windows, Julie Larson-Green, was asked directly if Cortana might make the move to non-MS platforms. Her response: "The short answer is, yeah." So it should come as no great surprise to hear that Microsoft is indeed planning to bring Cortana to rival operating systems, as Reuters reports. While Cortana will remain a tightly integrated component in Windows on PCs, phones and other devices, the company is planning to making the assistant available as a standalone app on Android and iOS. The effort to extend Cortana's reach across multiple platforms is being developed with knowledge from 'Project Einstein', a Microsoft research project focusing on artificial intelligence. More than simply bringing access to its assistant to other app stores, Microsoft has been working on a 'more advanced' version of Cortana as part of its cross-platform efforts, using the AI research from Einstein. Eric Horvitz, managing director of Microsoft Research, and part of the Einstein team said: "This kind of technology, which can read and understand email, will play a central role in the next roll out of Cortana, which we are working on now for the fall time frame." The aim is to build on Cortana's existing feature set - and particularly the 'personal assistant' elements, such as diary management, recommended leisure activities, and proactive traffic and public transit updates. While Siri is well versed at responding to basic requests, and Google Now surfaces 'cards' of information that it believes will be helpful to the user, Microsoft intends to extend the personal assistant functionality much further, developing an even more capable Cortana that can reliably anticipate a user's needs - on any platform. Horvitz explained: "We're defining the competitive landscape... of who can provide the most supportive services that make life easier, keep track of things, that complement human memory in a way that helps us get things done." But in order to build this platform, Microsoft needs more data, more users, more availability. While Windows 10 will extend the reach of Cortana considerably when it launches later this year, Microsoft wants to put its assistant into the hands of as many people as possible. The more people using the assistant, the more data its machine learning platform can gather to help improve the system even further for everyone. Even so, the decision to make Cortana available on other platforms is unlikely to go down well with many Windows users, as some believe that Microsoft should keep such features exclusive to its own operating systems. Source: Reuters Cool , huh ?
Problema La Instalarea Audio Prin Soundmax
+FML replied to Marian Edward's topic in Placi Video / Audio / Retea
Dupa ce incerci tot ce se poate , hai cu 1 feedback [ raspuns ] . Sper sa nu fie ce cred eu [ hardware ] - placuta bulita . -
Intelegerea s - a realizat cu tovarasul mentionat mai sus . TC .
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Gratuit Cu Placile Video Nvidia
+FML replied to gaby's topic in Role Playing Games (RPG) & Adventure
Hai Dan , cat e cald . -
Titanfall Season Pass Este Gratuit Pe Pc Si Xbox
+FML replied to gaby's topic in Action & Shooters (FPS / TPS)
L - am luat . Pacat ca nu e si Deluxe - ul free . -
Java Runtime Error Cand Intru In Minecraft!?
+FML replied to Roman Reings's topic in Action & Shooters (FPS / TPS)
Sustin . -
Cam atat urmarisem sa - i ofer pentru problema lui . Pentru virusi exista fix '' anti - virusi '' . Eventual , un utility care le face pe amandoua nu strica .
Pai , o sa le postez si aici : [ pentru auto ] '' deci a - IXa pe langa 2 ore de Fizica pe saptamana [ la care te - as ruga sa fii atent ] , ai : - 1 de chimie [ la fel , tot aceeasi sugestie , vor avea legatura la module ] , - gen 3 - 4 ore de mate pe saptamana [ M2 ] , - la fel si romana [ 3 - 4 / sapt . ] , - lmbi straine [ 2 eng + 1 fr / sapt . ] , - bio , geo si restul cate 1 ora , - 3 ore de practica / sapt . # Module - specializare - specialitate ai : SSM + Masurari tehnice si alte 3 dupa cum urmeaza : Studiul Materialelor , Desen Tehnic , Asamblari Metalice . Chimie + Mate + Fizica = tre ' sa le mananci pe paine ... [ parerea mea de elev ] ... si a profesorilor . Pan' la urma Mate - i M2 ... Iar la module , IP si tot ce e cu '' special '' tre ' sa fii foarte atent si de asemenea sa nu scazi niciodata sub nota 8 . In vara vei avea IPC = Intsruire Practica Comasata - 3 saptamani [ din iunie de cand termini cursurile teoretice de baza , cam pana in iulie asa - pe la sfarsit ] ... ai si proiect [ e posibil sa inveti dupa masa p'atunci ] ... Clasa a - Xa vine cu Organe de Masini , Asamblari ale structurilor metalice si Organe de Ridicat si Transportat . Cu toate 3 treci ca prin branza daca esti atent in primul an . [ sunt gen cele 5 mai generalizate si avansate dar foarte OK ] . Intr - a - XIIa , la final de an , e un proiect combinat cu CAD [ pe incepi sa - l ai ca materie in clasa a - XIa ] ... '' # Copy - paste de pe privat .
Java Runtime Error Cand Intru In Minecraft!?
+FML replied to Roman Reings's topic in Action & Shooters (FPS / TPS)
Ce usor jignesti tu lumea ... ON : Incearca un Kaspersky / MalwareBytes inainte sa faci cine stie ce alte minuni mai ti se recomanda ... P.S : Daca ai un Restore Point unde nu iti facea problema asta , foloseste - l . -
Ei , eu acuma nu - s cel mai neutru aici , sunt clasa a - Xa A pe Mecanica [ auto ] si daca [ mai ales daca ] te atrage , teoria si tot ce presupune acest profil [ module , specializare , instruire practica , etc . ] , va fi foarte frumos . Daca doresti , iti pot detalia cam ce faci la ore pe Mecanica Auto .
Update-Ul La Utorrent 3.4.2 Instaleaza Epic Scale (Bitcoin Generator)
+FML replied to gaby's topic in Stiri IT&C
Tot ce - i posibil .