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Everything posted by FML

  1. Bravo , mai Florin ... You made my day with that Stiu ca suna ciudat dar ... am impresia ca consuma chiar mai putin .
  2. Stiu ca suna ca o mare tampenie , dar nu cumva e normal ? Ma refer ... Daca apare doar in Lobby ...
  3. MS - DOS , ce naiba .
  4. Ia fa un test aici : http://www.checkpixels.com/ . Tot asa patesti ?
  5. Pai , acum , da ... Incearca ultimul driver ... In utima instanta , schimbi GPU / Monitor ... [ sau ceva la ele ] .
  6. Pai da ma , dar Vlad [ si eu ] n - m reusit sa vedem nimic in pozele alea 2 .
  7. Sau prin 3DP Chip , care tot de pe site - ul producatorilor le ia .
  8. Salutare ! Si noi ne bucuram sa te avem printre noi ! Bun venit si mult spor . P . S : Vad ca te pricepi cu avatare & semnaturi .
  9. Really ? I mean ... is that simple ?
  10. Should I be worried ?
  11. Please take a look at :
  12. You guess ... ? What that suppose to mean ? Whatever ... Have you already tried Windows 10 JTP ?
  13. Oups ... I know that , but ... I type too fast ... Is my correction [ for Alex ] good enough ?
  14. Why not Windows 8 . 1 ? P.S : I agree with '' doesn't '' instead of '' don't '' , but you make a horrible mistake replacing '' its '' with '' it's '' because it's about PC's Windows ... Its Windows [ Owned by it [ the PC ] ; of it [ PC ] ; example : '' Can't you see its colour ? '' . Got it ? - http://www.elearnenglishlanguage.com/blog/english-mistakes/its/ . The possessive - its The possessor [ of Windows ] - The PC / it . Replace '' its '' with '' PC '' or '' the PC '' and you'll see what I mean .
  15. A bug in the Technical Preview of Windows 10 warns users on desktop computers (without a battery) for a low battery on the lockscreen and in the notification tray. Obviously a Technical Preview release contains bugs and this is just one of them, but pretty remarkable nevertheless. Several users complain about the issue and on the Microsoft Forums an user writes, “Hi, I installed the latest Windows 10 Technical Preview, Build 9879, on my desktop PC and I now have a low battery icon on my lock screen. Is there a simple way to disable it? I looked in PC settings but could not find an option.” Although the issue can’t be fixed yet, it’s easy to hide the power icon by Navigating to the Control Panel then go to Notification Area then select and Icons Hide Icon and Notifications for the Power setting. The issue is acknowledged by Microsoft and on their known issues list. Other known issues are that tiles on the Start menu show truncated app names, the Remote Desktop has some painting issues that result in tiled pixelation, connected Standby enabled devices like Surface Pro 3 may experience shorter than expected battery life and the Music app will disappear if minimized within 16 seconds of launch. Also the new Start Menu introduced in Windows 10 isn’t free of bugs yet, Microsoft reports that the menu is occasionally registered improperly and might fail to launch. Microsoft will fix the issues in upcoming build. [ 1009 ] . Windows 10 is expected to launch by the second half of 2015 for both laptops, desktops, tablets and smartphones. Source : myce.com . Honestly , as long as I know I'm on a Desktop PC and its Windows won't stop because of a small bug like this , the icon doesn't bother me .
  16. A group security researchers has succeeded to bypass important security measures of Windows by changing just 1 bit. The problem in the Windows kernel exists in all Windows versions, including Windows 10 Technical Preview. Microsoft has added several additional security measures to the Windows kernel over the years. These measures should make it harder for attackers to abuse possible leaks in the operating system and include Kernel DEP (ensures that most kernel data regions cannot be executed), KASLR (randomizes the kernel address-space to avoid figuring out where kernel modules exist), SMEP (prevents execution control transfers between kernel mode to user-mode) and Mitigation Of Common Attack Vectors (hardens commonly abused structures). The discovered leak makes it possible for an attacker with access to a system to bypass all these Windows security measures and more. An exploit developed by the researchers changes a single bit to abuse the leak. Microsoft was informed about the issue several months ago and patched the leak yesterday. The leak, demonstrated in this movie, allows an attacker to escalate privileges on a system, according to the description of Microsoft. The researchers state they’ve demonstrated that even a small bug can provide full control over Windows, “nevertheless, we think that Microsoft efforts to make the its operating system more secure raised the bar significantly and made writing reliable exploits far harder than before.” Unfortunately these measures won’t fully protect against attackers. Also cybercriminals will eventually develop similar exploits, according to the researchers. Source : myce.com Now I'm really scared ... How about you guys ?
  17. Suntin ideea lu ' , GOH . Mai bine asa .
  18. Desigur , dar ... inainte , tine cont ca fisierele vechiului Windows raman , corupte , cum sunt ele , ocupand spatiu degeaba ... [ poti decat sa pui Windows - ul 7 pe o alta partitie ] .
  19. Eu am ales Mario , tocmai pentru ca stiu ca il jucam foarte des [ mai sa - i stric si TV - ul tatei ] . Dar , nu e de neglijat nici FIFA 2002 cu care m - am distrat extraordinar ... Sa fiu sincer , daca e sa spun o intamplare hazlie dintr - un joc al copilariei mele , ar fi din CS , cand eram fata in fata cu inamicul [ atat de aporpate ca - i bagam AK47 - le pe gat ] si cand am realizat si - am tras a zburat efectiv pe spate ; sau aceea cand , tot la CS , l - am terminat pe unu impuscandu - l in dos ] Din categoria funny - moments a FIFA 02 sunt acele goluri printre picioarele portarului .
  20. FCSB ... FCSB !
  21. Daca vrei decat Windows 7 , fara sa mai fi supus vreunei tangente cu vechiul Windows [ XP ] , renunti la partitia C [ o formatezi = pornesti de la 0 ] .
  22. Trouble - prea formal ... PCFix
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