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About SunSet

  • Birthday 07/29/1996

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    Turnu Magurele

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Community Answers

  1. Schimba forum stats, pune ceva mai unic, albastru' acela este prea inchis dupa gustul meu. Andrei-Art, sa fim seriosi :-j. In rest, nimic special, parca ar fi o tema de pe net cu cateva lucruri schimbate (gen culori).
  2. Pe server vad ca sunt playeri cu level 20+, nu prea cred ca s-a dat wipe cat despre forum, este in offline mode. WebMaster | Suport Crowed | System Operatoryou made my day.
  3. Conversion steps: Install phpBB3. The old message board and the phpBB3 board need to be installed on the same server. If you are converting from a board other than phpBB2, upload the convertor files which you downloaded from the appropriate topic in the 3.0.x Convertors forum. The download needs to be unzipped into the phpBB root directory maintaining the directory structure, so the auth_xxx.php file will end up in the /includes/auth directory and the functions_xxx.php & convert_xxx.php end up in the /install/convertors directory. The auth_xxx.php allows you to log in after the conversion. The zip file you receive should have the files in the correct directory and you need only to upload the directories, including the files, to the root directory of your phpBB3 installation. The directory structures will be like this: {phpBB3_root}/install/convertors/convert_xxx.php {phpBB3_root}/install/convertors/functions_xxx.php {phpBB3_root}/includes/auth/auth_xxx.php Point your browser to {phpbb_root_directory}/install/index.php, click the convert tab and select the appropriate convertor from the list of available convertors. Select the correct convertor for the board software you are converting from Next you will be asked for database information. The database information you are being asked for, is for the database that holds the tables for the board software you are converting from. You will be presented with an option for "Refresh page to continue conversion." The default is set to Yes. Normally, you will want to leave it at Yes. The No option is mainly for test purposes. After entering the database information and pressing the "Begin conversion" button, the convertor will verify that you have entered the correct information. If the information is confirmed, you will have another "Begin Conversion" button. After you click the "Begin Conversion" button, the convertor will check the convertor files. If everything is okay, you will be presented with a "Continue Conversion" button. The convertor will now proceed to convert your old board. Pages will be displayed informing you of the convertor progress. When the convertor is finished, you will see a message that the Search Index has not been converted. You must go into the Administration Control Panel and build the Search Index. In the ACP, click the Maintenance tab and select Search Index from the submenu. The default search backend index is Fulltext native and will be marked active. This is normally the index that you want to use to create your search index. You should now check your phpBB3 board for proper operation, that permissions are set correctly and forums & posts are displaying correctly. Also make sure files got copied correctly, for example avatars and smilies and attachments (if you have them.)https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=1213555 Ce sa-ti explice ca scrie acolo direct ce trebuie sa faci
  4. Atunci cand cineva pune un link pe chat el apare ca si text normal nu ca si url, doar atunci cand scrie ceva de genul, x link, adica sa fie ceva inaintea link-ului. Folosesc IPB 3.4.8 si Shoutbox 1.2.1 cred, nu am gasit in setarile lui vreo optiune de genul.
  5. Am observat asta si la artistii din Romania, acum 3-4 ani, un milion de vizualizari atingeau doar hiturile de la noi, ceva care chiar se asculta toata vara, acum 10 milioane nu este un prag chiar atat de mare.
  6. Un link catre forum? Cel mai probabil este de la "a:hover {"
  7. Fara mail-ul de pe care ai comandat sansele sunt nule.
  8. Acesta nu cred ca il poti pozitiona unde vrei: http://webflake.sx/files/file/334-hsc33-recent-posts-sidebar-block-20/
  9. http://www61.zippyshare.com/v/Z7C7L5EB/file.html
  10. Poate este pusa direct in globalTemplate. Dar eventual lasa un link catre forum.
  11. Nu prea cred ca este index-ul lor, cat despre tema am mai vazut-o pe zeci de forumuri (cand era la moda)
  12. " un prieten " - ce prieten este ala daca face asa ceva?
  13. Cu placere!, dar daca pui parola si aici ca sa aibe si altii acces ar fi perfect.
  14. - Sa stii ca si am cont sa ma pot uita la tine pe forum. 1. De ce sa dau banii pe ceva (ts3) cand pot primi gratis si oricum nu ma incurca cu nimic acel banner 2. Posibil.
  15. http://djlike.ro/forum/index.php?/forum/3-regulament/(uita-te sus) Warning: Illegal string offset 'members_seo_name' in /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/publicOutput.php(3837) : eval()'d code on line 12 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/publicOutput.php(3837) : eval()'d code:12) in /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 114 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/publicOutput.php(3837) : eval()'d code:12) in /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 127 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/publicOutput.php(3837) : eval()'d code:12) in /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 136 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/publicOutput.php(3837) : eval()'d code:12) in /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 137 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/publicOutput.php(3837) : eval()'d code:12) in /home/djlike/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 141
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