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Everything posted by COOLPIX
Am asa ceva, dar nu reusesc. /* Init */ $members = array(); $anonymous = 0; $users = \IPS\Session\Store::i()->getOnlineUsers( \IPS\Session\Store::ONLINE_MEMBERS, 'desc', NULL, NULL, TRUE ); foreach( $users as $row ) { switch ( $row['login_type'] ) { /* Not-anonymous Member */ case \IPS\Session\Front::LOGIN_TYPE_MEMBER: if ( $row['member_name'] ) { $members[ $row['member_id'] ] = $row; } break; /* Anonymous member */ case \IPS\Session\Front::LOGIN_TYPE_ANONYMOUS: $anonymous += 1; break; } } $memberCount = \count( $members ); echo $memberCount;
Salut! Cine ma poate ajuta, sa extrag variabila din widget. Se va intelege mai bine din poza: Eu doresc sa extrag doar partea cu citi membri sunt online pe forum, sa sa o pot integra pe orice parte a forumului, mai exact in globalTemplate. Multumes!
Salut Nu pot urca codul urmator in globalTemplate, imi da eroare: {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id }} <span class="indicator_onoff"> {{if $member->isOnline()}} <span class="online_in"></span> {{else}} <span class="offline_in"></span> {{endif}} </span> {{endif}}
Thema este compatibila cu versiunea platformei? Dami mesaj in privat
Venom: Let There Be Carnage, continuarea filmului Venom cu Tom Hardy, a fost din păcate amanat din nou. Detaliile le puteți găsi mai jos. Amânat aproximativ 1 lună Noul film Venom, care a fost amânat de mai multe ori din cauza Covid-19, a fost întârziat încă o dată, conform declarației făcute în ultimele ore. De data aceasta motivul este din nou Covid-19. Varianta delta, care a provocat probleme și închideri în multe țări din cauza celei mai recente variante delta, a început să afecteze din nou industria cinematografică. Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage, care în mod normal era de așteptat să fie lansat pe 24 septembrie, a fost amânat până la 15 octombrie 2021. Filmul este regizat de Andy Serkis și scris de Kelly Marcel și Tom Hardy. Distribuția include nume precum Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Woody Harrelson, Stephen Graham, Naomie Harris, Reid Scott și Sean Delaney.
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Învierea Domnului aduce bucurie în sufletele tuturor, cel mai răspândit obicei fiind vopsirea ouălor roşii, a căror prezenţă este obligatorie pe masa de Paşti. 40 de zile după Învierea Domnului creştinii îşi spun Hristos A Înviat şi răspund Adevărat a Înviat! Fii primul care trimite un mesaj de Paști prietenilor şi urează-le sărbători fericite!
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Am rezolvat, problema a fost in ipsBreadcrumb , a avut ceva modificari necorecte..
Nu e de la aceasta, am dat si revert template, si nu sa rezolvat
Salut lume! A aparut asa o problema: Codul urmator este in layout.css #ipsLayout_mainArea:only-of-type { display: block; } dar nu functioneaza. Ce pot sa ii fac? A mai avut cineva asa problema? Mi-am mincat toate mintile cu problema aceasta, si nu iam mai dat de capat....
IPS Community Suite 4.5.4 Released 11/05/2020 Key Changes This is a maintenance release to fix bugs. Additional Information Core Changed follow pruning to not prune member follows. Changed deprecated phpredis zSize alias calls to use the proper zCardmethod call instead. Optimized the Legacy Parser (used in 3.x upgrades and conversions) when it's used more than once in one process. Clarified content anonymization option on Member REST API delete documentation. Clarified visibility option for feed widget blocks. Optimized the prune IP Address process. Updated Mapbox API calls to be compatible with newer Static Tiles API. Reduced MySQL query count in some areas. Losing merged topics now redirect to the winning topic when accessed via search engines, bookmarks, etc. Removed 'unread' dot from messenger list since it did not behave consistently with other places in the suite. Added a support tool and upgrader check to verify that InnoDB tables are not using Compact row format. Added some canonical tags for SEO purposes. Added the ability to rebuild historical posted content to change the 'rel' attributes of links. Added a missing language string present in certain form elements asking for time intervals. Applied a change to prevent Ezoic preventing the Marketplace login process. Applied limits to CSS width, height and border-width properties for posted content to prevent page layout concerns. Reduced overhead when using S3 with a PNG favicon image. Fixed an issue where attachments are not properly claimed for status updates. Fixed an issue where newly submitted content may appear unread initially. Fixed an error resending failed emails from the email error logs. Fixed "someone linked to your content" notifications sending duplicates when editing the content containing the link. Fixed an issue where edit log history may show that entries are pruned after "-1 days". Fixed an issue with certain templates that caused them to always be flagged as modified in every release. Fixed an issue where theme setting changes could take affect in the AdminCP. Fixed an issue with tag URLs that contain ampersands (&) in the tag. Fixed an issue with the database checker adjusting database indexes. Fixed an issue where reported content shows as unread if there are no item markers stored for the member. Fixed an issue where disabled registrations prevented new users from being able to set a local password. Colors for active pagination items have been updated to use the pagination_active theme setting. Fixes an issue where caching prevented an updated resource image from being displayed. Fixed an error with large files that have extremely long filenames. Fixed an error when S3 buckets have a dot ('.') in the bucket name which resulted in broken download URLs. Fixed an issue where uninstalling plugins would not clean up block manager configuration. Fixed an issue with the permission matrix where checking an entire column also checks disabled checkboxes. Fixed an issue where old image proxy URLs may not properly return a 410 Gone response to search engines. Fixed broken links to comments that have been promoted on the Our Picks page. Fixed an issue with the main navigation bar support link in the AdminCP that may launch the support wizard in the last saved step. Fixed an issue where the JS controller auto-loader may not work. Fixed a layout issue when managing advertisements in the AdminCP. Fixed a minor grammar issue present when configuring club moderators in the AdminCP. Fixed some minor broken HTML tags in club headers. Fixed an issue where in extremely rare cases, the MySQL database password may be included in debug information for administrators in the AdminCP. Fixed an issue where some streams incorrectly state there is no more activity to view. Fixed an issue where dropdown menu items could not be re-ordered. Fixed an issue where links to new items in personal messages could be incorrect. Fixed an issue where Redis could consume a lot of memory on busy sites. Fixed an issue where announcements with a far past date could cause an error. Fixed an issue where the per content item moderator approval permission would not apply correctly. Fixed an issue where dismissing an AdminCP notification may not take effect until the page is refreshed. Fixed a missing upgrader language string. Forums Adjusted default archiving configuration for Community In The Cloud customers. Fixed an issue where search index permissions may not be updated correctly when toggling "can view other topics" setting. Fixed Archived Posts throwing an error when a newly archived post is in Our Picks. Fixed per-forum themes not working correctly. Fixed an issue where long Hidden Reasons in posts would cause an overflow. Fixed a missing javascript confirmation when clicking "Mark forum as read" from within a forum. Fixed "Most Votes" forum sorting option being presented in non Q&A forums. Fixed an issue where moved topic links, merged topic links and deleted topics and posts were counted in ACP statistic graphs. Fixed an issue where merging topics would not update the topic summary. Fixed an issue where topic and post 'by forum' statistics could time out when there are numerous forums. Fixed an issue where the URL for the latest comment in an archived question would show an EX0. Pages Fixed an issue where long strings such as code blocks may stretch the page layout in databases. Fixed an issue importing databases with multiple upload fields. Fixed an issue where thumbnail settings for record images were lost when importing a database. Fixed an issue where comments have padding removed after editing when comments are linked to a forum. Fixed an issue uploading some images as record images in Pages using Firefox. Fixed an issue where it was not possible to have more than one unique field left empty. Commerce Restored a task that helps keep PayPal billing agreements in sync. Added an option to manually check PayPal billing agreements for any missed transactions. Fixed an error attempting to downgrade an expired subscription. Fixed an issue where the VAT number input would show as required. Fixed an error checking out using PayPal and Braintree in certain configurations. Fixed an error using an Upload field type as a custom customer field. Fixed an issue where active subscription badges could appear on top of menus. Fixed broken HTML in the "Featured Product" widget. Fixed possible timeout when applying discounts to high values. Calendar Fixed an issue with weekly recurring events that recurred less frequently than every week. Downloads Removed the ability to renew a paid file when the member cannot download the file. Fixed an error adding custom fields if Commerce is not installed, or if paid file integration is disabled. Gallery Fixed an issue where the link to albums was missing from new image email notifications. Fixed a performance issue with the Gallery when clubs are enabled but set not to show throughout the community. Converter Added 'edit name' and 'edit reason' to posts converted from phpBB. Fixed an issue where converted phpBB word filters may be too greedy. Fixed an issue where banned members were not banned after conversion from phpBB. Changes affecting third-party developers and designers Added a new constant DEV_DISABLE_ACP_SESSION_TIMEOUT that allows developers (IN_DEV must be enabled) to disable the ACP session timeout check. Creating a plugin now creates a 1.0.0 version entry by default. Updated the Notifications extension template. Removed the undoOnly parameter in the /core/members/{id}/warning/{id} deletion endpoint and added a deleteOnly parameter in its place. Removed an unused variable in the \IPS\Helpers\Form::customTemplate() method. Clarified an error message that can occur when installing a plugin with IN_DEV enabled. Fixed an issue with applying template hooks to core > front > modcp > reports. Fixed some various REST API bugs. Fixed an issue where CSS templates weren't imported while installing a plugin while IN_DEV is enabled.
Buna Plugin de vinzare. Culoarea inchisa: Culoarea deschisa: Aveti in setarile pluginului, alegere culoarei care o doriti. Pretul este 5$. Pentru metoda de plata scriti in privat. Multumesc!
Salutare! Vreau sa fac o chestie, dar nu chiar mi se primeste.. Am codul respectiv: {{if in_array ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_group_id, array ( 4 ) ) }} CODUL HTML {{endif}} Vreau sa fac in felul urmator, codul de mai sus doresc sa il adaug la mai multe parti ale temei, pentru un anumit grup. Dar pentru a da setari pentru CSS, imi trebuie codul key, cum ar fi de exemplu: .theme[data-role='member_group_id'] { ...... ..... .... .... } Sper ca mati inteles ce am avut in vedere.. Multumes de atentie...
Ai facut ceva modificari prin HTML?
Welcome to the virtual world!
posteaza aici codul din postContainer
trebuie sa schimbi codul in postContainer, pentru poza
.ipsType_sectionTitle { font-size: 13px; font-weight: 500; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 20px 16px; margin-top: 0; background: #1c1c1c; color: #828e99; border-radius: 2px 2px 0px 0px; background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/eW2MIwP.jpg); background-size: cover; background-position: bottom center; } .prk:after { content: "\f005"; font-family: FontAwesome; height: 30px; width: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: inherit; border: 4px solid #29405c; border-radius: 150px; position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 35px; z-index: 400; bottom: 0; color: #EE3A3A; text-align: center; }
nu vad nici un spatiu negru...